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ice - cream
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ciasto czekoladowe
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chocolate brownie
spaghetti z krewetkami
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spaghetti with prawns
woda gazowana
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sparkling water
sok pomarańczowy
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orange juice
pieczywo czosnkowe
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garlic bread
pizza z serem i pomidorami
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cheese and tomatoes pizza
woda mineralna
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still water
zapłacić rachunek
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pay the bill
mieć danie główne
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have a main course
mieć przystawke
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have a starter
zarezerwować stolik
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book a table
zamówić jedzenie
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order your food
mieć deser
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have a dessert
zostawić napiwek
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leave a tip
spojrzeć na menu
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look at the menu
opłata za obsługi
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service charge
lista win
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wine list
wybór z warzywami
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selection of vegetables
stolik dla dwojga
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a table for two
O której godzinie otwieracie restaurację?
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What time does the restaurant open?
Czy mogę zarezerwować stolik?
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Can I book a table?
Co chciałby pan (pani) zamówić?
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What would you like to order?
Coś do picia?
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Any drinks?
Obawiam się,że nie mamy...
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I'm afraid we haven't got...
Czy mogę prosić...?
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Can I have ...?
Chciałbym / Chciałabym...
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I'd like...
Czy macie pieczywo czosnkowe?
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Have you got any garlic bread?
Jakie macie lody?
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What kind of ice - cream have you got?
Ile kosztuje espresso?
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How much is an espresso?
Czy mogę prosić o rachunek?
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Can I have the bill, please?
Stolik dla 2 osób.
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A table for 2 people.
Proszę za mną.
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Follow me please.
Tą drogą proszę.
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This way, please.
Czy ten stół jest w pożądku?
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Is this table OK with you?
Czy mogę prosić menu?
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Can i have a menu please?
Czy mogę prosić liste win?
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Can I have a wine list?
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Here you are.
Tak, chciałabym / chciałbym
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Yes, I'll have...
Tak, chciałabym / chciałbym...
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Yes, I'd like...
Czy jesteś gotowy aby złożyć zamówienie?
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Are you ready to place an order?
Coś do picia?
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Anything to drink?
Czy mogę prosić o rachunek?
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Can I have the bill please?
Jest usługa wliczona w cenę?
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Is service included?
Zatrzymaj resztę.
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Keep the change.
Tak proszę.
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Yes please. Here you are.
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wino stołowe
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house red

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