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kiss passionately on the lips
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przestalem chodzic na silownie commencer à apprendre
i stopped working out in the gym
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boje sie zostac zupelnie sam na starosc commencer à apprendre
i dread being left all alone in my old age
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zakwalifikowac sie do finalu commencer à apprendre
postanowilem zignorowac jego wystapienie na konferencji commencer à apprendre
I chose to ignore his speech at the conference
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podjac takie wielkie ryzyko commencer à apprendre
Chodzmy na spacer dobrze? commencer à apprendre
Let's go for a walk shall we?
Nie podejmujmy zadnych pochopnych decyzji commencer à apprendre
Let's not take any rash decisions
Niech on ten balagan sam posprzata commencer à apprendre
Let him clean up this mess himself
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Czy masz cos przeciwko temu? commencer à apprendre
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On ma sklonnosc do latwego wpadania w depresje commencer à apprendre
He tends to get depressed easily
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spodziewam sie ze przyjedzie commencer à apprendre
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physical education teacher
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jej obecnosc sprawila ze poczulem sie lepiej commencer à apprendre
Her presence made me feel better
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postaram sie zalatwic zeby ktos was odebral z lotniska commencer à apprendre
I will try to arrange for someone to meet you at the airport
Cala sprawa okazala sie brudna prowokacja commencer à apprendre
The whole affair turned out to be a dirty provocation
Zglosilem sie na ochotnika commencer à apprendre
Moj szef nie zadal sobie trudu commencer à apprendre
Obiecuje ze nie zrobie nic za Twoimi plecami commencer à apprendre
I promise not to do anything behind your back
Jak zdolales sie wykrecic od tej roboty commencer à apprendre
How did you manage to wriggle out pf this job?