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a friend in need is a friend indeed
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prawdziwych przyjaciol poznaje sie w biedzie
a love-hate relationship
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burzliwy związek
be at each other’s throat
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skakac sobie do gardel
be fond of sb
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miec do kogos slabosc
be on the same wavelenght
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nadawac na tej samej fali
behave childishly
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zachowywać się dziecinnie
confide in sb
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zwierzyć sie komus
date sb
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chodzic z kims
dump somebody
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rzucić kogoś
find it easy to make friends
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łatwo się zaprzyjaźnić
go down the aisle
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ozeniec sie
good friends are hard to come by
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dobrzy przyjaciele to rzadkość
hate the sight of sb
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nie cierpiec kogos
have a crush on sb
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podkochiwac sie w kims
have a lot in common
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mają wiele wspólnego
have a soft spot of sb
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mają słabość do kogos
have an affair
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keep in touch with sb
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pozostać w kontakcie z kims
know sb by sight
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znać kogoś z widzenia
not have the heart to dump sb
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Nie mam serca, aby zrzucić sb
relate to sb
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znalezc z kims wspolny jezyk
respect sb's privacy
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szanuj prywatność
stromy relationship
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burzliwy relacja
take advantage of
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take part in
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wziąć udział w
take sb for granted
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nie doceniac kogos
take turns
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ronic cos kolejno na zmiane

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