Realiza compras etapa 2 seccion 13

 0    37 fiche    javiermonterolopez
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¿Puedes ayudarme con esto?
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can you help me with this
¿Te gusta esa camisa?
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do you like that shirt
¿Puedo ver ese vestido?
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can i see that dress?
el quiere ver esa camisa
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He wants to see that shirt
A él no le gustan mis pantalones
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he doesn’t like my pants
¿Cuánto cuesta este reloj?
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how much does this watch cost?
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¿cuantas cajas quieres?
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how many boxes do you want
Sus relojes son caros
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their watches are expensivE
eso es barato
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that’s cheap
¿cuanto cuestan las gafas?
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how much are the glasses
Los relojes son baratos aquí
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the watches are cheap here
aquello / aquella
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Están sentados juntos en el autobús escolar.
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They are sitting together on the school bus.
Su padre escribe libros
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his father writes books
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Hay un libro
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there is a book
¿Está mi pasaporte en el mostrador?
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is my passport on the counter?
Sois hermanos, ¿verdad?
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you are brothers, right?
por cinco noches
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for five nights
compañeros de cuarto
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El autobús no sale a la una
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The bus doesn't leave at one
¿El autobús sale a las tres?
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Does de bus leave at three o’clock?
¿Tienes camisas pequeñas?
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Do you have small shirts?
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Mi hijo tiene catorce años
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my son is fourteen years old
Hay un zapato en la caja
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there is one shoe in the box
En el supermercado
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At the supermarket
Eso es barato
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that is cheap
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¿Cuánto cuesta ese vestido?
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how much is that dress
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ella no tiene muchos vestidos
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she doesn’t have many desses

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