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question réponse
Jak ci idzie?
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how are you keeping?
jak się masz?
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how are you?
Jak leci?
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How are you doing?
Jak idą sprawy?
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How are things?
czy mógłbyś, proszę, powtorzyć?
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Come again?
dobra robota
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well done
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watch it
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straight up
Osobiście uważam, że
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Personally I think
innymi słowy
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in other words
Podzielam twój punkt widzenia
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I share your point of view
Właśnie o to chodzi
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That is just the point
Wydaje mi się, że
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It seems to me that
Przypuszczam, że tak
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I suppose so
O ile wiem,
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As far as I know
Jestem za
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I am in favour of
Jestem o tym przekonany
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I am convinced of
nic nie szkodzi
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never mind
Do zobaczenia
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see you
Jak minęła Panu podróż?
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How was your trip?
linie lotnicze
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Jak twoja podróż?
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How was your travel?
o której godzinie startował twój samolot?
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what time did your plane take off?
Kiedy pan(i) przyjechał(a)?
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When did you arrive?

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