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in the event of there being no qualified people
commencer à apprendre
in the ____ of there being no qualified people
come clean about sth
commencer à apprendre
powiedzieć prawdę
pull socks up
commencer à apprendre
wziąć się w garść
set foot in
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__ foot in
make up one's mind
commencer à apprendre
zdecydować się (mind)
consultative role in the planning of exhibition
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___ consultative role in the planning of exhibition
commencer à apprendre
nieomylny (fall)
invaluable advice
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nieoceniona rada
impound one's car
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zatrzymać komuś samochód
impeach sb for sth
commencer à apprendre
stawiać kogoś w stan oskarżenia
impel sb to do sth
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zmuszać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
take sth like a duck to water
commencer à apprendre
poczuć się jak ryba w wodzie
commencer à apprendre
float on air
commencer à apprendre
be very happy (air)
commencer à apprendre
hard grind
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difficult, unpleasant work (AiC)
put shoulders to the wheel
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work hard for sth (wheel)
bowl over
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to impress sb (bowl)
span the River Arno at its narrowest point
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przecina rzekę Arno w najcieńszym punkcie
to this day
commencer à apprendre
do dziś
reimburse sb for sth
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odpłacić (r______se)
run up debts
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zadłużyć się (run)
sort out problems
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rozwiązać problem
place sb under arrest
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aresztować (under)
comprise school children
commencer à apprendre
składać się z dzieci w wieku szkolnym
unpalatable truth
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_____ truth (nie do przełknięcia)
excell oneself
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przejść samego siebie (excell)
with a view to running up an overdraft
commencer à apprendre
with a ______ running up an overdraft
look over a flat
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obejrzeć mieszkanie
have affinity with
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have ____ with
predominant feeling
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______ feeling (ogólne przeświadczenie)
fall below the standard
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fall ____ the standard
as quick as a flash
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as quick as a _____
stand up to sb
commencer à apprendre
defend oneself
dogged by bad luck
commencer à apprendre
___ by bad luck
prevail on sb
commencer à apprendre
____ on sb - persuade sb

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