Present Continuous

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Czy on teraz ogląda telewizję?
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Is he watching TV?
Czy ja gram w tenisa (teraz)?
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Am I playing tennis?
Czy ona teraz myje włosy?
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Is she washing her hair? yes, she is. no, she isn't
Czy oni teraz piszą list?
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Are they writing a letter? No they aren't
Czy twoja siotra prowadzi samochód teraz?
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Is your sister driving a car? Yes. She is
Czy twoja siostra umie prowadzić samochód
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Can your sister drive a car?
Czy wy teraz gracie na perkusji?
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Are you playing the drums? Yes, we are
Ja nie sprzątam teraz pokoju.
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I'm not cleaning the room now?
Jest 5 p.m. Ja (o tej porze, regularnie) gram w szachy
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It's five o'clock p.m. I'm playing chess
Ona teraz nie pływa, ona odpoczywa.
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She's not swimming, She's resting

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