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bring the house down
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być gorąco oklaskiwanym
read somebody like a book
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czytać kogoś jak książkę
face the music
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ponosić odpowiedzialność
let one's hair down
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pójść w tango
off the beaten track
commencer à apprendre
z dala od cywilizacji
on a shoestring budget
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na skromny budżet
on the house
commencer à apprendre
na koszt firmy
on the edge of one's seat
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w napięciu
paint the town red
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read between the lines
commencer à apprendre
czytać między wierszami
at least
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at large
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na wolności
at last
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at present
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at a loss
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poniżej kosztów
at times
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at odds with
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w sprzeczności z
at a standstill
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w spoczynku
at a glance
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na pierwszy rzut oka
at a loose end
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nudzić się
put up (pitch)
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put off (postpone)
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put somebody through
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cause somebody pain
put sb down
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put up with (bear)
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put aside (save)
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set somebody back
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cause as an expense (dużo kosztować kogoś)
sets in
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put something back (replace)
commencer à apprendre
odłóż coś (wymień)
set off (embark)
commencer à apprendre

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