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question réponse
W odpowiedzi na Twój list
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In response to your letter
Oczekuję bezzwłocznej odpowiedzi.
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I look forward to your prompt response.
Mam przyjemność (x3)
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I have the pleasure to / It is a pleasure to... I have pleasure in doing sth
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(List nie mógł zostać doręczony, gdyż adresata nie było w domu.
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The recipient was not home, so the letter could not be delivered.
rozpoczęcie i zakończenie listu - adresat nieznany
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Dear Sir or Madam / Yours faithfully.
rozpoczęcie i zakończenie listu - adresat znany
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Dear Mr Nowak / Yours sincerely.
300 dolarów
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three hundred dollars ($300)
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twenty-one percent
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fifty-two point five percent
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two hundred sixteen thousand and twenty-five
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a million
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dziękuję za list datowany na
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thank you for the letter dated of
Piszę w związku z...
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I am writing in connection with...
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doceniać Anglais
to appreciate
w imieniu kogoś
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on behalf of someone
pod żadnym pozorem
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under no circumstances

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