Piotrek 20th July 2015

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question réponse
duży korek
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heavy traffic
The traffic going into London was very heavy.
ścieżka rowerowa
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bike path
Znaleźliśmy czas, żeby ich odwiedzić.
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We found time to visit them.
my zrobimy to sami
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we will do it by ourselves
oni zrobią to sami
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they will do it by themselves.
ona zrobi to sama
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she will do it by helself
on zrobi to sam
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he will do it by himself.
aneks kuchenny
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położyć płytki
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to lay tiles
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wysadzić w powietrze
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to blow sth up
pozbyć się czegoś
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to get rid of sth
mam czegoś dosyć
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I'm fed up of sth
Chcę pozbyć się tego starego samochodu.
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I'd like to get rid of my old car.
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Ona nie chciała pozbyć się tego drzewa cytrynowego.
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She didn't want to get rid of this lemon tree.
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czysty / schludny
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neat and tidy
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ćwiczyć na siłowni
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to work out
przejść na emaryturę
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to retire

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