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deal with sth/smn
commencer à apprendre
uporać się z czymś
absorbed in sth
commencer à apprendre
pochłoniety czyms
confide in smn
commencer à apprendre
zaufać komus
be engrossed in sth
commencer à apprendre
byc pochlonietym czyms
implicate smn in sth
commencer à apprendre
twierdzic ze ktos jest w cos umazany
involve smn in sth
commencer à apprendre
zaangazowac kogos w cos
result in sth
commencer à apprendre
byc przyczyna wydrzenia sie czegos
specialise in sth
commencer à apprendre
specjalizowac sie w czyms
succeed in sth
commencer à apprendre
odnies sukces w czyms planowanym
account for sth
commencer à apprendre
wyjasniac przyczyne czegos
allow for sth
commencer à apprendre
brac cos pod uwage
apologise for sth/smn
commencer à apprendre
przepraszac za cos/kogos
blame someone for sth
commencer à apprendre
obwiniac kogos za cos
care for sth/smn
commencer à apprendre
lubic cos/kogos
cater for sth/smn
commencer à apprendre
dostarczac cos komus lub czemus
charge someone for sth
commencer à apprendre
make them pay for it
count for sth
commencer à apprendre
liczyc na cos
earmark sth for a particular use
commencer à apprendre
przeznaczyc do konkretnego uzytku
pay for sth/someone
commencer à apprendre
zaplacic za kogos lub cos
accuse someone of sth
commencer à apprendre
oskarzyc kogos o cos
convict someone of sth
commencer à apprendre
skazac na cos
remind someone of sth
commencer à apprendre
przypomniec komus o czyms
suspect someone of sth
commencer à apprendre
podekrzewac kogos o cos
acquaint someonr with sth
commencer à apprendre
zapoznac kogos z czyms
associate someone with sth
commencer à apprendre
powiazac kogos z czyms
charge someone with sth
commencer à apprendre
wystawic rachunek na kwote
clutter with sth
commencer à apprendre
byc wyladowanym czyms po brzegi
cincide with sth
commencer à apprendre
wydarzyc sie w tym samym momencie
collide with sth
commencer à apprendre
zderzyc sie z czyms przez wypadek
comply with sth
commencer à apprendre
zgodzic sie na cos
concern with sth
commencer à apprendre
byc zainterwsowanym w czyms
confront someone with sth
commencer à apprendre
zmierzyc kogos z czyms
confuse smn/sth with smn/sth
commencer à apprendre
pomylic cos z czyms
cram with sth
commencer à apprendre
totalnie wypelnic
give away
commencer à apprendre
give off
commencer à apprendre
send off a smell
give out
commencer à apprendre
be exhausted
give over
commencer à apprendre
abandon, devote
give up
commencer à apprendre
go back on
commencer à apprendre
break a promise
go in for
commencer à apprendre
make a habit of (entering the competition)
go off
commencer à apprendre
become bad-food
go on
commencer à apprendre
happen (negative)
go round
commencer à apprendre
be enough
go through with
commencer à apprendre
complete a promise or plan (unwillingly)
grow on
commencer à apprendre
become more liked
hang onto
commencer à apprendre
have it in for
commencer à apprendre
be deliberately unkind to someone
have it out with
commencer à apprendre
express feelings so as to settle a problem
have someone on
commencer à apprendre
deceive someone
hit it off
commencer à apprendre
grt on well with
hit upon/on
commencer à apprendre
discover by chance
hold out
commencer à apprendre
hold up
commencer à apprendre
hold with
commencer à apprendre
agree with
keep up
commencer à apprendre
lay down
commencer à apprendre
ustanawiać regułę
let down
commencer à apprendre
let in on
commencer à apprendre
allow to be a part of secret
let off
commencer à apprendre
excuse from punishment
let on
commencer à apprendre
inform someone about a secret
live down
commencer à apprendre
suffer a loss of reputation
live up to
commencer à apprendre
reach an expected standard
look into
commencer à apprendre
look on
commencer à apprendre
look into
commencer à apprendre
look on
commencer à apprendre
look someone up
commencer à apprendre
visit when in the area
make for
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result in
make off with
commencer à apprendre
run away with
make out
commencer à apprendre
make someone out
commencer à apprendre
understand someone’s behaviour
make up
commencer à apprendre
make up for
commencer à apprendre
compensate for
miss out
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fail to include, lose a chance
own up
commencer à apprendre
pack in
commencer à apprendre
stop an activity
pay back
commencer à apprendre
take revenge
pick up
commencer à apprendre
pin someone down
commencer à apprendre
force to give a clear statement
play up
commencer à apprendre
behave or work badly
point out
commencer à apprendre
draw attention to a fact
pull off
commencer à apprendre
manage to succeed
push on
commencer à apprendre
continue with some effort
put across
commencer à apprendre
communicate ideas
put down to
commencer à apprendre
explain the cause of
put in for
commencer à apprendre
apply for a job
put oneself out
commencer à apprendre
take trouble to help someone
put off
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put up
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offer accommodation
put up with
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rip off
commencer à apprendre
charge too much
run down
commencer à apprendre
run into
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run to
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have enough money
run over
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run up
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not to pay for the bill
run up against
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encounter (problem)
see someone off
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go to station, airport to say goodbye
see through
commencer à apprendre
realise the truth about
send up
commencer à apprendre
make fun of by imitating
set about
commencer à apprendre
start working
set in
commencer à apprendre
establish itself
set out
commencer à apprendre
give in detail in writing
set up
commencer à apprendre
set upon/on
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sink in
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realise slowly
slip up
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make a mistake
sort out
commencer à apprendre
fidn a solution
stand by
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keep to an agreement
stand for
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stand for
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stand in for
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take the place of
stand up to
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resist, bear stress
step down
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step up
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stick up for
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take in
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take it out on
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make someone else suffer because of one’s sufferings
take off
commencer à apprendre
take on
commencer à apprendre
acquire a new characteristic/ do sth extra
take out
commencer à apprendre
sign an insurance
take over
commencer à apprendre
gain control of
take to someone
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develop a liking for
take up
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occupy time
talk out of or into
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dissuade from, persuade into
tell off
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tie in with
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be in agreement with
track down
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track the whereabouts of
try out
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turn down
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reject an offer
turn out
commencer à apprendre
happen to be in the end
turn up
commencer à apprendre
be discovered by chance
turn up
commencer à apprendre
arrive unexpectedly
wear off
commencer à apprendre
lose effect
work out at
commencer à apprendre
to work ok specific amounts

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