phrasal verbs part 1

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act on
commencer à apprendre
do whatever is advised/suggested
act up
commencer à apprendre
behave awkwardly or badly
answer (sb) back
commencer à apprendre
speak rudely to sb
answer back
commencer à apprendre
defend oneself
answer for
commencer à apprendre
be responsible for sth/pay for sth/vouch for
answer to
commencer à apprendre
be under the command of sb/have the characteristics described
back down
commencer à apprendre
cease to oppose
back out of
commencer à apprendre
withdraw from
back up
commencer à apprendre
be beneath sb
commencer à apprendre
be demanding
be down on
commencer à apprendre
be hostile to sb
be down with
commencer à apprendre
be ill (with disease)
be in for it
commencer à apprendre
be about to receive punishment/touble
be in with
commencer à apprendre
be in favour with
be into
commencer à apprendre
(informal) take an interest in sth
be off
commencer à apprendre
1. cease to want or be interested in sth/ 2. have come loose, detached from sth/ 3. stay away from work, school/ 4. canel/ 5. be bad, unhealthy
be on
commencer à apprendre
be shown on tv, at the cinema etc
be out
commencer à apprendre
1. be in bloom/ 2. be extinguished / 3. be romoved/ 4. be absent (from home or work)/ 5. be unfashionable
be up to
commencer à apprendre
1. do / 2. depend on
bear on
commencer à apprendre
be relevant to
bear with
commencer à apprendre
be patient
balance against
commencer à apprendre
assess in relation to
bank on
commencer à apprendre
depend on
bear out
commencer à apprendre
support the truth
become of
commencer à apprendre
happen to
blink at
commencer à apprendre
show surprise
blow over
commencer à apprendre
stop and be forgotten
book up
commencer à apprendre
break away
commencer à apprendre
escape from captivity
break down
commencer à apprendre
1. fail to function/ 2. lose control of feelings
break in
commencer à apprendre
1. interrupt/ 2. enter a building by force
break into
commencer à apprendre
suddenly start doing sth
break off
commencer à apprendre
end sth suddenly
break out
commencer à apprendre
1. start suddenly (of violent events), /2. escape from a place
break through
commencer à apprendre
1. make a discovery. / 2. become visible. / 3. achieve success despite obstacles or difficulties
break up
commencer à apprendre
1. end s relationship. / 2. disperse
break with
commencer à apprendre
give up sth
brush up
commencer à apprendre
improve (by study)
build up
commencer à apprendre
acquire gradually/ accumulate

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