phrasal verbs

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tolerować, znosić (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
put up with
How do you put up with her? She's so irritating.
odwołać (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
call off
The teacher called classes off because of the snow.
odkładać, przełożyć na inny termin (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
put off
postpone, delay
The concert has been put off.
odstręczać, zniechęcać (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
put off
postpone, delay, avoid
Oh yeah, he is handsome but his manners put me off!
kontynuować (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
carry on
Carry on in the face of disaster
zdmuchnąć (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
blow out
zemdleć (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
to pass out
sprawdzać (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
to check
to look for information in a book of facts, to look for a word in a dictionar, to look for a telephone number in a telephone book
Could someone look up this word in a online dictionary?
podziwiać kogoś (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
to look up to somebody
Magdalena always needed someone to look up to and imitate. I wish she were more self-reliant.
odwiedzić po długim czasie (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
look sb up
patrzeć z góry, patrzeć z wyższością (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
look down on
to have a bad opinion of sth or someone, to despise to disapprove of
The whole class look down on Adam, which makes him feel really upset.
zamienić się w, przeistoczyć się (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
turn into
When she kissed the frog, it turned into a handsome prince.
unikać (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
get away with
to avoid
uciec (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
get away
to run away, to break free, to escape
Get away from me!
zerwać z kimś (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
to break up with SB
poddawać się komuś, czemuś (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
give in
stop doing something
He gave in to despair and refused to take medicine.
zepsuc sie (food) (phrasal verb)
commencer à apprendre
go off

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