Phrasal Verbs and Idioms

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crop up
commencer à apprendre
appear or happen suddenly
dive in
commencer à apprendre
start doing something in a very enthusiastic way
end up
commencer à apprendre
be in a particular place or state after or because of doing something
kick off (with)
commencer à apprendre
begin (with)
knock off
commencer à apprendre
stop working
knuckle down
commencer à apprendre
start working hard, especially when you should have done this earlier
lay off
commencer à apprendre
end's someone's employment, temporarily because of lack of work stop using, doing something for a short period of time
lie ahead
commencer à apprendre
if something lies ahead, it is going to happen to you in the future
make up
commencer à apprendre
work at different times from usual becauseyou haven't worked enough at the normal times
press ahead/on (with)
commencer à apprendre
continue doing something in a determined way, despite difficulties
set out
commencer à apprendre
start doing or working on something in order to achieve aim outset(początkowy)
snow under
commencer à apprendre
have too much of something to deal with
take on
commencer à apprendre
start to employ someone; accept some work or responsibility
tide over
commencer à apprendre
help someone to get through difficult period of time(pomoc finansowa)
while away
commencer à apprendre
relaxing when you have nothing else to do
wind down
commencer à apprendre
finishing something gradually(stopniowo)
a stitch in time(saves nine)
commencer à apprendre
solve a problem now, rather than leave it until later when it may be more difficult
all in good time
commencer à apprendre
telling someone to wait for something and not try to make you hurry
at the drop of a hat
commencer à apprendre
doing something in a way that shows that you have no doubts
before your time
commencer à apprendre
sth happened before you were born or before you worked/lived somewhere
for good
commencer à apprendre
for the time being
commencer à apprendre
for now
from time to time
commencer à apprendre
sometimes, but not often
in/for donkey's years
commencer à apprendre
an extremely long time
in the nick of time
commencer à apprendre
just in time to prevent sth bad happening
once in a blue moon
commencer à apprendre
very rarely
on the spur of the moment
commencer à apprendre
doing sth suddenly, without planning/thinking it through
the other day
commencer à apprendre

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