Phrasal verbs and idioms 2

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brush up(on)
commencer à apprendre
practise & improve skills/knowledge of sth
come (a)round (to)
commencer à apprendre
change decision/opinion because of being persuaded to agree with someone
come up with
commencer à apprendre
think of sth such as an idea/plan
face up to
commencer à apprendre
accept sth and try to deal with it
figure it out
commencer à apprendre
able to understand sth or solve a problem
hit upon
commencer à apprendre
suddenly have an idea; discover sth
make out
commencer à apprendre
see, hear, understand smn/sth with difficulty
mull over
commencer à apprendre
think carefully about sth over a period of time
piece together
commencer à apprendre
learn the truth about sth by considering seperate bits of information
puzzle out
commencer à apprendre
solve complicated problem by thinking carefully about it
read up(on/about)
commencer à apprendre
get information on a particular subject by reading a lot about it
swot up(on)
commencer à apprendre
study sth very hard(for exam)
take in
commencer à apprendre
understand, remember sth that u hear, read
think over
commencer à apprendre
consider problem/decision carefully
think through
commencer à apprendre
consider facts about sth in organised way
think up
commencer à apprendre
invent/imagine sth(excuse)
go to your head
commencer à apprendre
woda sodowa
have your wits about you
commencer à apprendre
able to think quickly and make sensible decisions
in the dark(about)
commencer à apprendre
not knowing much about sth, because others are keeping it secret from you
know what's what
commencer à apprendre
know the important facts about situation
not have a leg to stand on
commencer à apprendre
not have any way of proving your right
not see the wood for the trees
commencer à apprendre
cannot understand the situation because of thinking about small details
put two and two together
commencer à apprendre
guess what's happening/means based on what you seen/heard
quick/slow on the uptake
commencer à apprendre
taking long/short time to understand/realise sth
ring a bell
commencer à apprendre
sth is familiar to you but you can't remember the details
round the bend
commencer à apprendre
split hairs
commencer à apprendre
dzielić włos na dwoje
take stock(of)
commencer à apprendre
spend time on thinking about situation you're in, before you decide what to do next

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