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Mark spent all evening chatting my sister up and buying her drinks.
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Some teachers wink at teenagers smoking in school.
dołożyć komuś, pokonać w walce commencer à apprendre
Phil blew away the other cyclists in the race.
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He seems to live on nothing but chips and burgers.
poprawić coś (np. poduszkę) commencer à apprendre
Tracy plumped her pillow up and finished making the bed.
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He was sent down for three years for armed robbery.
zakwestionować coś, podać coś w wątpliwość commencer à apprendre
Few people would quarrel with these methods.
kryć się za czymś, leżeć za czymś commencer à apprendre
I'm wondering what lay behind Kate's decision to change her will.
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I have to gas up when we get to the next town.
wyprawić kogoś, wyekspediować kogoś commencer à apprendre
Her kids were shipped off to a boarding school at an early age.
obudzić kogoś pukaniem do drzwi commencer à apprendre
He knocked me up in the middle of the night.
pozbyć się (np. problemów), pokonać (np. trudności) commencer à apprendre
Let's get everyone together and try to smooth the problem out.
ignorować coś/kogoś, nie przejmować się commencer à apprendre
He's only joking so blow off his comments.
sypnąć kogoś, wycofać się z czegoś commencer à apprendre
I can't trust someone who rats on his promises.
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He tagged on an apology at the end of the letter.
rozwinąć coś (np. jakiś temat) commencer à apprendre
Can you expand on that point, please?
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They idled their time away drinking and playing cards.
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Large supplies pushed down international prices of oils, sugar and cereals.
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The player was sent off for arguing with the referee.
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The future of the company now is riding on the new director.
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The workers are going to stick out for a 5% pay rise.
złożyć, odłożyć (na później) commencer à apprendre
She stowed the ice skates away in a box under the bed.
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I really need to rest up for a few days now.