
 0    13 fiche    mokrzynskikrystian
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question réponse
reduce the amount of
commencer à apprendre
cut down on
reach the same place as
commencer à apprendre
catch up with
meet, find
commencer à apprendre
come up against
think of
commencer à apprendre
come up with
visit for a short time
commencer à apprendre
drop in on
accept, deal with
commencer à apprendre
face up to
have the strenght and energy to do
commencer à apprendre
feel up to
do sth bad and not be punished
commencer à apprendre
get away with
have good relations with
commencer à apprendre
get along/on with
continue with
commencer à apprendre
get on with
avoid the responsibility
commencer à apprendre
get out of
find time to do
commencer à apprendre
get round to
do sth bad
commencer à apprendre
get up to

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