Pawel 7th Oct 2016 #8

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question réponse
język angielski
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the English language
znudzić się
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to get bored
bez wątpienia
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without a doubt
Oni nie są z tego zadowoleni.
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They are not happy ABOUT it.
to be happy about sth
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podstawowe słownictwo
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basic vocabulary
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Pojechaliśmy nad morze.
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We went to the seaside.
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She's not very consistent in the way she treats her children.
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Fale były bardzo duże.
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The waves were big.
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to sit - sat - sat
Nie będę nic robić. / Poleniuchuję. / Odpocznę.
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I'll put my feet UP.
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prize / award
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prize / award / reward
na całe życie
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for life
prenumerować / subskrybować
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to subscribe
We subscribe to several sports channels (
to Unsubscribe
brać udział
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to participate / to take part IN sth
wszystko na raz
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everything at once
Niekórzy oblali / nie zdali.
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Some people FAILED.
Oni przystąpią do egzaminu jeszcze raz.
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They will retake the exam.
Ten egzamin składał się z sześciu części.
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This exam consisted of 6 parts.
Ona jest dobra z angielskiego.
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She's good AT Enhlish.

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