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Spotkajmy się 24 kwietnia. commencer à apprendre
Let's meet on 24th April.
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Czy ty urodziłaś się w sierpniu? commencer à apprendre
Were they born in summer?
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Uczę ang online od 4 lat. commencer à apprendre
I HAVE BEEN TEACHING English online FOR 4 years.
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I've been waiting for a week.
Ona czyta tę książkę od dwóch miesięcy. commencer à apprendre
She's been reading this book for two months.
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Oni mieszkają w Londynie od 2005. commencer à apprendre
They've been living in London SINCE 2005.
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A few days / A couple of days
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I've got A few questions / A couple questions.
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caretaker BrE / janitor AmE
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adverts / ads / advertisements
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Teraz mieszkambliżej placu budowy. commencer à apprendre
Now I live CLOSER to the site.
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Zadzwoniłem do tej firmy wczoraj wieczorem. commencer à apprendre
I called this company yesterday evening.
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Ona jest ze swoim chłopakiem od czterech lat. commencer à apprendre
She's been with her bf for 4 years.
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ona nigdy się nie poddaje commencer à apprendre
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disabled people / the disabled