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I slept in./ I slept late. / I had a lie in.
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I haven't eaten them YET.
Nie skakałem ze spadochronem (jeszcze) commencer à apprendre
I haven't skydived / jumped with a parachute (YET).
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Jeśli Kasia zachoruje na ospę, nie będzie drapać. commencer à apprendre
If Kasia getS sick with chicken pox, she won't scratch.
Jeśli ona zachoruje, pojedziemy do szpitala. commencer à apprendre
If she gets sick, we'll go to hospital.
Kupimy jej nowy komputer, jeśli ona zda ten egzamin. commencer à apprendre
We'll buy her a new computer if she passes this exam.
Ona zrobiła to ciasto dwa razy. commencer à apprendre
She has made this cake twice.
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Chodzę na basen w powszednie dni tygodnia. commencer à apprendre
I go to the pool on weekdays.
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I always swim on Fridays.
Chciałabym przeprosić za moje zachowanie. commencer à apprendre
I'd like apologise for my behaviour.
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to do/conduct/undertake research ON sth
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to give sb some advice ON sth gave me some advice ON how to do it / My dad gave me advice ON how to fix the car.
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