outcomes p. 44

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question English réponse English
to be a party pooper
I hate to be a party pooper but I have to be home before 10 pm
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a person who kills the enjoyment of others
to be a wet blanket
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a person who says or does something that stops other people enjoying themselves
to be a party animal
She is a party animal - she likes to dance all night.
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someone who enjoys parties and party activities very much
(to party) like there's no tomorrow
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party hard, without planning or thinking first
to be the life and soul of the party
Bill is definitely the life and soul of the party—he's currently trying to get everyone up to dance!
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to be the centre of attention
throw a party
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invite people and prepare everything
houseworming party
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party thrown when we bought a new house
housecooling party
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party thrown when we sold the house
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party at home
to look like your idea of hell
What kind of party you went to lookked like your idea of hell
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look aweful
to give sth a go
I like to eat new things but I wouldn't give worm a go.
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to give sth a go Anglais
to try
to look like a laugh
Does this film look like a laugh to you?
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sth is funny hilarious
to be tailor-made for me
Does this course is tailor-made for you?
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to be just perferct for me
to yawn/to be bored out of sb mind
I was bored out of my mind that I couldn't stop yawning
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to be overwhelmed by/with
I'm overwhelmed by my job lately
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to have to much to do
to burst into tears
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zakać się łzami, z pozytywnego i negatywnego powodu
to burst
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to explode
to be (on the foor) in stitches
I always in stitches when she tells jokes.
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to laugh a lot/ pękać ze śmiechu
to be hilarious
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to be very funny
to be mortified (to infinitive)
My mother was absolutely mortified to hear me swearing at the teacher
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very embarrassed
want the ground to open up and swallow you
He was so embarrassed that he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him.
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to be so embarrassed that you want somewhere to hide
There's been a lot of hype around/surrounding his latest film
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a situation in which something is advertised and discussed in newspapers, on television, etc. a lot in order to attract everyone's interest
media hype
live up to the hype/ to sb's expectations
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to achieve what it is said in media/ oczekiwań
to feel a bit rough
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to be in poor shape
have a big work do
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have a big work do
to be in bits
He was in bits after her death.
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to be very upset
to be in floods of tears
We all enjoyed the film but it was so sad that I was in floods of tears at the end.
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crying a lot
zalany łzami
cause a bit of a scene
Everytime we are in the restaurant he causes a bit of a scene. Each time it's very awkward
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make a scene in public

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