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question réponse
musimy omowic
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we have to discuss
czy mozemy teraz to omowic
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can we talk about it now
ciesze sie ze tu jestes. musimy porozmawiac
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I'm glad you're here. We need to talk.
czemu nie mielibysmy
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Why don't we
a gdyby tak
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how about
czemu by nie
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why not
wiec zamiast... moglibysmy
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so intstead of... we could
mysle ze powinnismy
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I think we should
na twoim miejscu zrobilabym
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If I were you, I would
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absolutely/of corse/ right
w porzadku tak zrobmy
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ok, let's do that
zgadzam sie / tez tak mysle
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I agree/ I think so too
dobry/swietny pomysl
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good/great idea
nie mam nic przeciwko temu
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That's fine with me
rozumiem co masz na mysli ale...
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I see what you mean, but/ I see your point, but
przykro mi ale zupelnie sie nie zgadzam
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I'm afraid I don't agree at all
nie jestem co do tego przekonany
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I'm not convinced about it
nie wydaje mi sie ze jest to najlepszy pomysl/najlepsze rozwiazanie/ najlepsza sugestia
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I don't think that's the best idea/ solution/ suggestion
ale co zrobimy / co bedzie jesli
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but what if...
wcale nie jestem taki/ taka pewny
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I'm not so sure
czy jestes pewny ze to dobre rozwiazanie
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are you sure it's the right thing to do
jestem pewien ze lepiej bedzie
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I'm sure it's better to
jestem pewny ze najlepszy pomysl to
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I think the best idea would be to
moim zdaniem
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in my opinion
jesli chcesz znac moje zdanie to
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if you ask me
najpierw mozemy... a potem, nastepnie
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First we can ..., and then/ next
pierwsza rzecz jaka nalezy zrobic to
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the first thing to do is
miejmy nadzieje ze wszystko dobrze sie ulozy
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let's hope it'll all turn out right
juz nie moge sie doczekac
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I can't wait to start
mozliwe ze
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it's possible that
to moze byc najlepszy pomysl
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this might be the best idea
im moze sie to nie spodobac
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they may not like it
czy moglibysmy
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could we
czy uwazasz ze moglibysmy
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do you think we could
czy moge
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msy I
czy nie byloby problemem gdybysmy zrobili
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would it be OK if we did sth
dobrze w takim razie najpierw mozemy..., a potem
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OK so we can..., first and then
zrobmy to na moj/ twoj sposob dobrze
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Let's do it my/ your way, OK
w takim razie zgodzmy sie na
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So let's agree on
dobrze, skoro nalegasz
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Ok, if you insist

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