NV GF 3.01.2014

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question réponse
It seems to me that my SIM card is broken.
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Wydaje smi się, że moja karta SIM jest zepsuta.
It means...
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to znaczy...
overstretched budget
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“naciągnięty” budżet
to revamp the website
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ulepszyć stronę www
high profile, high-profile
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szeroko znany
approach to landing
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podejście do lądowania
keep up with sb
Kathlyn, try to keep up!
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nadążać, dotrzymywać kroku, uważać
Staraj się nadążać, Kathlyn!
I can’t go along with this.
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I can’t agree with this.
Let’s wind up here.
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Let’s stop at this point.
Let’s wrap things up here.
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Let’s stop at this point.
We are pressed for time.
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Czas nas goni.
Our meeting can’t run over time.
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Nasze spotkanie nie może się przeciągnąć.
to come up with an idea
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wpaść na pomysł
to come up with a solution
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wykminić rozwiązanie
attend the meeting
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brać udział w spotkaniu, być obecnym
clarify sth
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wyjaśnić coś
Can you deal with that?
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Możesz się tym zajęć?
I forgot what it means.
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Zapomniałem, co to oznacza.
encourage to do sth
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zachęcać do zrobienia czegoś I’d like to encourage you to do some shopping in our center.
discourage from doing sth
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zniechęcać do (“od”) robienia czegoś Nothing can discourage you from shopping in our center.
follow-up on
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kontynuować “na” We will follow up on this project.
Let’s hold the meeting in my office.
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Zrobić spotkania.
John made a good point.
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John użył rozsądnego argumentu.
(Get) to the point, John.
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Do rzeczy, John.
reach a decision
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zdecydować, „dojść do decyzji”
Let’s call it a day.
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Zakończymy na tym. (“fajrant”, “nazwijmy to dniem”) We can call it a day.
Meeting adjourned.
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Koniec spotkania.
to accomplish
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zakończyć z powodzeniem
to accomplish the mission / project / action
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ukończyć misję / projekt / przedsięwzięcie
to recap = to sum up
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It’s a good idea to recap all the stuff.
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To dobry pomysł, żeby podsumować całość.
to contribute
Could you contribute more in this project / meeting?
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mieć swój udział, wkład
He had a great contribution into this project.
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udział, wkład
we analyzed this superficially.
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to assume
I assume that I need to practice all these words.
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zakładać, założyć
I assume that I will learn all of those words for our next meeting.
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I assume that I will learn all Of Those words for our next meeting.
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point out
John pointed out the importance of the marketing research.
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zauważyć, zaznaczyć, zwrócić uwagę; pokazywać, wykazywać
put forward e.g. a suggestion, solution, an idea
I find solutions and put them forward to the boss and investors.
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przedłożyć, przedstawić
I find solutions and put them forward to the boss and investors.
unanimous decision
It was a unanimous opinion that our center is the best ever.
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jednogłośna decyzja
John, please reconsider your hasty decision.
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rozważyć ponownie
hasty decision
pochopna decyzja, pośpieszna decyzja
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hasty decision
hasty decision to have sth tasty 
prompt decision
I only make proper prompt decisions. All my prompt decisions are proper.
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szybka decyzja
I only make proper prompt decisions. All my prompt decisions are proper.

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