My flashcards2

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question réponse
The pipe was bent.
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La tubería estaba torcida.
to hatch
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salir del cascarón, nacer
the baby animals
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las crías
the male and female animal
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el macho y la hembra
the ruby
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el rubí
the emerald
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la esmeralda
the jade
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el jade
the ginger
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el jengibre
to bend
I can't bend my knees.
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No puedo doblar mis rodillas.
to twist
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la nevera, hielera
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el mapache
the skunk
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la mofeta, el zorrillo
to enrich
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the cushion
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el cojin
the mortgage
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la hipoteca
the beetle
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El escarabajo
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deciduous trees
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los árboles de hoja caduca
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hojas perennes
the gutter
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la canaleta
the pole
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El polo
the undergrowth
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la maleza
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the buoy
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la boya
to submerge
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to skip
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to break down / to damage
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to tangle
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the tangle
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el enredo, la maraña
I should have done it
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Debería haberlo hecho
I would have done it.
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Yo lo habría hecho.
I could have done it
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Podría haberlo hecho
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to yawn
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the cramp
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el calambre
the slope
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La pendiente
air force
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fuerza aérea
the blackboard
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la pizarra
the chalk
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La tiza
the cement
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el cemento
the granite
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el granito
the limestone
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la caliza
the sandstone
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la arenisca
the sidewalk
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la acera
the spiral
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la espiral
the dam
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la presa
the beaver
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el castor
the gin
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la ginebra
the tonic
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el tónico
the gravel
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la grava

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