Monika 11th Dec 2013

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kolejka (w sklepie)
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I'm waiting in a q
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Czy możesz to przeliterować?
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Can you spell it?
Jak to piszemy?
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What's the spelling?
Nie wiem jak to zapisać.
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I don't know how to write it. I don't know the spelling of this word.
nie rób tego
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don't do it
przepraszam za nieporozumienie
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sorry for the whole misunderstanding
przepraszam za niedogodność
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sorry for the inconvenience
dogodny dla kogoś
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convenient FOR sb to do sth
Is it convenient for you to meet on Friday?
Czy pasuje ci spotkanie
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Is it convenient for you to meet on the weekend?
w weekend
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on the weekend/ at the weekend
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IT is INconvenient for me to meet on Friday.
Czy jesteś zmęczony?
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Are you tired?
Czytam coś w internecie.
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I'm reading sth on the Internet.
Chodźmy na stare miasto.
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Let's go TO the old town.
przy okazji
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btw, by the way
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Chcę iść spać.
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I want TO go to sleep.
pierwszy, drugi, trzeci
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THE first, THE second, THE third
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nad Morzem Bałtyckim
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by the Baltic Sea
Musiałam zdać wiele egzaminów.
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I had to pass many exams.
zdać egzamin
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to pass an exam, passed, passed
wychowanie fizyczne
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PE, physical education
w końcu
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in the end, finally
na końcu książku
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at the end of a book
na początku
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AT the beginning / IN the beginning
być zadowolonym z czegoś
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to be satisfied WITH sth
Are you satisfied with your job?
oblać egzamin
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to fail an exam
Musiałam mu pomóc.
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I had to help him.
liczebniki główne
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cardinal numbers
na pierwszym piętrze
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on the first floor
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in the nineteenth century
po raz czwarty
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for the fourth time
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Mur Berliński
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the Berlin Wall
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I had a date yesterday.
jest dziesiąty maja
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it's THE 10th of May OR it's May (THE) 10th
jest dwunasty marca
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it's the 12th of March Or it's March (the) 12th

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