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lista rzeczy do zrobienia przed śmiercią
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list of things to do before death / bucket list
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panna młoda
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the bride
pan młody
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the groom
druhna, świadek
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bridesmaid, witness
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a witness
rozwiązanie problemu, odpowiedź
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solution to the problem, the response
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to resign
poddać się
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to give up
wycofać się
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an agreement
obrona, obrońca
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defense, defender
wdrożenie, wdrożenie się
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Implementation, implementation
wina, obwiniać się
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fault, blame themselves
prawidłowo, poprawnie
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properly, correctly
konkurencja, konkurs, zawody
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competition, competition, competition
wyścigi samochodowe
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1. car racing 2. motor racing
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a race
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rozwiązanie problemu, odpowiedź
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solution to the problem, the response
usługa, dokonywać przeglądu (samochodu)
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service, review the (car)
usługiwać, obsługiwać
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serve, serve
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according to
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ocena w szkole
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assessment in school
poparzyć sobie rękę
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burn his hand
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virgin, maiden
praca zdalna, telepraca
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remote work, telework
zazdrość, zazdrosny
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envy, jealous
1. His new bike was making his friends jealous. 2. Her new office was the envy of the whole company.
tonąć, utopić się
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drown, drown
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sink - sank - sunk
znany, znajomy
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known, familiar
This street doesn't look familiar to me.
szyć, zszyć
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sew - sewed - sewn, stich
I need to get my shoes stitched.
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płynąć, pływać
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flow, swim
The river flows from the Andes to the ocean. I swim thirty lengths of the pool most mornings.
przytulić, objąć
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hug, embrace
krzyczeć, krzyk
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shout, scream
I was angry and I shouted at him.
stymulować, pobudzać, zachęcać
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to stimulate, excite, encourage
odkurzacz (podłogi, dywany)
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vacuum cleaner, Hoover (floors, carpets)
odkurzać dywan
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vacuum the carpet
urządzenie, przyrząd
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device, the device
sprzątaczka, sprzątacz, środek czyszczący
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cleaner, cleaner, cleaner
biustonosz, stanik
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schody ruchome, ruchome schody
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Escalators, moving stairs
We took the escalator down to the basement.
wziąć coś za pewnik, rzecz naturalną
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Take something for granted, a natural thing
w powijakach, na wstępnym etapie
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In its infancy, at an early stage
pośpiech, śpieszyć się
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rush, hurry, hurry
We rushed out into the street to see what all the noise was. Please hurry, the train is about to leave.
krzyżówki do rozwiązywania, krzyżówka
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Crossword puzzle to solve, crossword puzzle
zameldować się w hotelu
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to check in
sprawdzić informacje o firmie
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check the company
zameldować się, przejść odprawę
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check in, go check in
łańcuch, przykuty
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Chain, chained
I chained my bike to a lamppost. You shouldn't keep a dog chained up like that. She wore a gold chain around her neck.
łancuszek na szyję
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ciekawostka, zaciekawienie
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curiosity, curiosity
cytat, cytować
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quotation, quote
cytat, cytować
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quotation, quote
I was quoting from Marx. Witnesses were quoted as saying there were two gunmen.
serce ze złota / dobra/ pomocna
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Heart of gold / good / helpful
He plays the part of a tough cop on TV who really has a heart of gold.
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czubek góry lodowej
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the tip of the iceberg
rozrywka, hobby, zajęcie
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entertainment, hobbies, occupation
pozwolić sobie
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to afford to do something: We can't afford to go on holiday this year.
zorganizować coś, zaaranżować coś
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Organize something, arrange something
to arrange to do something: Let's arrange to meet up soon.
zdecydować się, powziąć decyzję
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decide to make a decision
to decide to do something: I've decided to leave my job.
mieć nadzieję
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to hope (to do)
to hope to do something: I hope to see you soon.
zarządzać, kierować
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manage, direct
to manage to do something: He managed to do his homework by himself for the first time.
oferować, proponować
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offer, propose
to offer to do something: I'd like to offer to help with the party.
odrzucać, odmawiać
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reject, refuse to
to refuse to do something: I can't believe he refused to change his mind.
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to vote
to vote to do something: Parliament has voted to raise income tax by 1%.
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to admit
to admit doing something: He admitted breaking the window.
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to avoid
to avoid doing something: I think my dog would do almost anything to avoid having a bath.
opóźnienie, zwłoka
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delay, delay
to delay doing something: Don't delay booking your ticket, they're selling like hot cakes.
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to deny
to deny doing something: She denied taking the money from her mum's wallet.
ryzyko, ryzykować
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risk, risk
to risk doing something: He was so upset I couldn't risk letting him drive home by himself.
sugerować, proponować
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suggest, propose
to suggest doing something: The doctor suggested eating more fresh fruit.
zawracać głowę, niepokoić
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bother, bother
Don't bother to tidy up, I'll do it tomorrow. Sorry to bother you, but could you spare any change?
denerwujący, irytujący
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annoying, irritating
rady / porady
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advice / tips
poczęcie, koncepcja
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Conception, conception
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cyniczny, ironiczny
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Cynical, ironic
przewidywać, oczekiwać
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predict expected anticipate
We anticipate that prices will fall next year. Companies are predicting massive profits.
koncesja, franczyza
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Concession, franchise
roślina, fabryka, sadzić
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plant, factory, plant
odnawiać, remontować, renowacja
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Renovate, renovate, renovation
podbić, zdobyć, pokonać
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Conquer, conquer, conquer
He has finally conquered his fear of spiders. Peru was conquered by the Spanish in 1532.
zapraszam cię na obiad
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I invite you to dinner
zepsuty, zniszczony
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broken, damaged
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Fleet of warships
Fleet of warships
pościg, pogoń, dążenie (do czegoś)
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pursuit, the pursuit of (something)
He left his native country in pursuit of freedom. The police are in pursuit of a 25-year-old murder suspect.
konfrontować, stawić czoło
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First, they must confront their addiction.

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