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at the beginning
I enjoyed my job at the beginning, but I'm bored with it now.
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na początku(potem się zmienia)
take a train
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pojechać pociągiem
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dom dziecka / sierociniec
pecking order
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hierarchia, porządek dziobania
have no choice
She had no other choice, she had to lie.
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nie mieć wyboru
it is not like him
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to nie jest w jego stylu
You need to look up this notion in a dictionary.
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pay off
All her hard work paid off in the end, and she finally passed the exam.
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opłacać się
pay something off
I expect to pay the debt off within two years.
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spłacać coś (np. o długu)
take somebody in
The shelter is taking in homeless people. I wasn't taken in by her trick.
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przyjmować kogoś do domu/nabierać, oszukiwać kogoś
be at somebody's service
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być do czyichś usług
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bezwzględny, bezlitosny
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