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question réponse
how long have you been in poland
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jak długo jesteś w Polsce
do you mind if I open the window?
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Nie masz nic przeciwko, jeśli otworzę okno?
as a matter of fact
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faktem jest, że
could you do me a favour
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mógłbyś wyświadczyć mi przysługę
I'd rather not
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Raczej nie
I'm coming up.
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już idę
Watch out!
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I would appreciate if you could.
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Byłbym wdzięczny gdybyś mógł.
it's on me
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ja stawiam
On the other hand,
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Z drugiej strony,
What do you mean by...?
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Co masz na myśli ...?
The point I'm trying to make is that
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chodzi mi o to ze
It was very kind/nice of you to...
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To było bardzo miłe / Miłe, że...
how much do i own you
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ile jestem ci winny
what kinds of beer do you have
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jakie rodzaje piwa masz
can i take a credit card
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moge placic karta kredytowa
how long will it take?
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Jak długo to potrwa?
when for?
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na kiedy
do you have?
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czy maja panstwo/ masz
could i have the bill, please
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Czy mogę poprosić o rachunek
which one is the best
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który z nich jest najlepszy
can i get
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i'll take
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i just need to
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Muszę tylko
i haven't forget
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nie mógłbym zapomnieć
how can i get there?
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jak mogę się tam dostać?
do you fancy having a snack
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Czy masz ochotę coś przekąsić
what about this one?
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co powiesz na to
is there xxx around here
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jest tu gdzieś xxx
remember to take
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pamiętaj żeby wziąć
i've got a question
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Mam pytanie
it's place worth seeing
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jest to miejsce warte zobaczenia
how much is the fare
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ile wynosi opłata
how long does the journey take
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ile trwa podróż
what did you like
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jak ci sie podobało
how long does it last?
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jak długo to trwa?
what are you up to tonight?
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jakie masz plany na wieczor
it's been out for week
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jest wydawane (pokazane) od tygodnia
what's happend
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co się stało
how did it happen?
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jak to się stało?
are you planning to go anywhere in your next holiday
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planujesz pojechac gdzies w nastepne wakacje

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