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lead sb by the nose
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wodzić kogoś za nos
give sb a free hand
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dać komuś wolną rękę
pay through the nose
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lend an ear
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wysłuchać kogoś
contemplate one's navel
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użalać się nad sobą, rozwodzić się nad czymś
save skin
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ratować skórę
in safe hands
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w dobrych rękach
heart and soul
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serce i dusza
to Have sticky fingers
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mieć lepkie ręce
have nothing between the ears
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być głupim
vote with your feet
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dać wyraz dezaprobacie
sb’s ears are burning
Her ears must be burning.
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ktoś czuje, że ktoś go obgaduje
Musi czuć, że ją obgadujemy.
show one's face
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pokazać się
head over heels (in love)
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być zakochany po uszy
point the finger at somebody
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obwiniać kogoś
pull one’s leg
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nabierać kogoś, nabijać w butelkę
pain in the neck
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one's lips are sealed
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tajemnica/ktoś nie może o czymś mówić
by the skin of one's teeth
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cudem, o mały włos
be at each others’s throats
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skakać sobie do gardeł
Stand on one’s own two feet
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być niezależnym
to have eyes popping out of your head
My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw him.
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zdziwić się
Prawie mi oczy wyszły ze zdziwienia kiedy go zobaczyłam.
to be on one’s last legs
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być wykończony, u kresu wytrzymałości
to turn a blind eye to something
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przymykać oko
to be pretty wet behind the ears
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być zielonym
to catch one's eye
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przykuć czyjś wzrok
armed to the teeth
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uzbrojony po zęby
to have a really sweet tooth
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być łasuchem
to bite the hand that feeds you
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gryźć rękę, która cię karmi
one's hair stands on end
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włosy stają komuś dęba
During the exam the student was completely tongue-tied and could hardly say a word.
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to be all ears
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zamieniać się w słuch
born and bred
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urodzony i wychowany
bright and early
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bladym świtem
bits and pieces
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kawałki, fragmenty, drobiazgi
one's bread and butter
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główne źródło utrzymania
through and through
He is a Welshman, through and through.
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na wskroś, zupełnie, w każdym calu
live and learn
I had no idea Peter was a vegan, but you live and learn
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uczyć się całe życie
wait and see
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pożyjemy zobaczymy
free and easy
I like to be free and easy while on holiday.
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ups and downs
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Wzloty i upadki
safe and sound
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cały i zdrowy
sick and tired of sth
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mieć po dziurki w nosie
toss and turn
I tossed and turned for hours before I could get to sleep.
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przewracać się
part and parcel of
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nieodłączna część
word for word
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słowo w słowo
the haves and the have-nots
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bogaci i biedni
spick and span
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jak spod igły, czysty, wypucowany
tit for tat
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wet za wet, oko za oko
aches and pains
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bóle, dolegliwości
ins and outs
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szczegóły, detale
ifs and buts
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hustle and bustle
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zgiełk, wrzawa
peace and quiet
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cisza i spokój
time and again
I've told you time and again not to do it.
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tyle razy
up and about
She is up and about again but she won't be able to drive for few weeks.
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powracać do zdrowia
forgive and forget
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wybaczyć i zapomnieć
up and down
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w te i we wte
odds and ends
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drobiazgi, bibeloty
neck and neck
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łeb w łeb
to move heaven and earth
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poruszać niebo i ziemię
in dribs and drabs
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stopniowo, w ratach/małych ilościach

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