Moja lekcja 9

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question réponse
I live in California.
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Mieszkam w Kalifornii.
Who taught you?
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Kto Cię nauczył?
That's too expensive.
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To jest zbyt drogie.
Are you hungry?
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Jesteś głodny?
I went to the supermarket, and then to the computer store.
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Poszedłem do supermarketu, a potem do sklepu komputerowego.
I don't have time right now.
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Nie mam teraz czasu.
I need another key.
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Potrzebuję innego klucza.
Next time.
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Następnym razem.
I only want a snack.
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Chcę tylko przekąskę
. He's very annoying.
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On jest bardzo irytujący.
Would you like something to eat?
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Chciałbyś coś do jedzenia?
I'm just looking.
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Ja tylko patrzę.
Good evening sir.
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Dobry wieczór panu.
Do you know where she is?
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Wiesz, gdzie ona jest?
Which one do you want?
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Który chcesz?
Did you take your medicine?
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Wziąłeś swoje lekarstwo?
For how many nights?
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Na ile nocy?
Am I pronouncing it correctly?
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Wymawiam to poprawnie?
Would you ask him to come here?
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Poprosisz go, aby tu przyjechał?
I'll take that one also.
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Wezmę również to.
Please fill out this form.
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Proszę wypełnij ten formularz.
A long time ago.
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Dawno temu.
Do you know how to cook?
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Umiesz gotować?
What do you do for work?
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Jaką masz pracę?
Have they met her yet?
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Czy już ją spotkali?
What's the temperature?
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Jaka jest temperatura?
It's north of here.
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Na północ stąd.
Where is the airport?
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Gdzie jest lotnisko?
It's over there.
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Jest tam.
I'll tell him you called.
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Powiem mu, że dzwoniłeś.

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