Miscellanous 3 Różne 3

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See you at 3 o'clock
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Do zobaczenia o trzeciej.
See you on Thursday
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Do zobaczenia w czwartek.
See you tomorrow.
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Do zobaczenia jutro.
Sit down, please.
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Proszę usiąść.
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Co proszę?
What’s your name?
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Jak masz na imię?
Where are you from?
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Skąd jesteś?
Where is it?
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Gdzie to jest?
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Gdzie jest...?
a bike 
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a city 
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dobrze, dobra
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miła, miło, ładny
a phone 
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I ride my bike to work.
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jedżdżę do pracy na rowerze
It’s a nice city.
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to ładne miasto
I have an egg for breakfast.
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Na śniadanie jem jajko.
I like her. She’s fantastic!
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Lubię ją. Jest fantastyczna.
It’s a good book.
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To dobra książka.
Nice to meet you.
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Miło mi Cię poznać.
Where’s my phone?
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Gdzie jest mój telefon.
What time is your train?
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O której masz pociąg?
Who are you?
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Kim jesteś? Kim Pan/Pani jest?
How old are you?
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Ile masz lat?
What's your phone number?
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Jaki jest twój numer telefonu?
What's your address?
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Jaki jest twój adres?
What's your email address?
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Jaki jest twój adres mailowy?

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