Michał F Lesson 41

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question réponse
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I took a taxi
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wziąłem taxi
Close to
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blisko = near
withdraw from
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wycofać się
I don’t care about American people.
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Nie przejmuję się amerykańcami.
I don’t bother.
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Nie dbam o to. Mam to w dupie.
Don’t bother
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nie kłopocz się
Don’t bother me
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nie zawracaj mi głowy
Am I bothering you?
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przeszkadzam ci?
What do you do for a living?
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Czym się zajmujesz z czego się utrzymujesz.?
I'm not interested in English football.
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Nie interesuję się angielskim futbolem.
I am glad to heared it.
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miło mi to słyszeć.
I appreciate it.
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Doceniam to
Please call me Michael.
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Prosze mów mi Michael.
Pour the booze
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polej gorzoły
Shall we have some coffee.
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Napijemy się kawy?
Shall I get you some coffee.
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Zrobić Ci kawy?
Shall we start
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Shall we have lunch?
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Jemy lunch?
Shall we have a party?
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Robimy imprezę?
Shall we have a bath?
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Bierzemy kąpiel? 
Shall we have a meeting?
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Robimy spotkanie?
Shall we have coffee?
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Pijemy kawkę?
Shall we have something to eat/drink?
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(Pi)jemy coś?
Shall I go to see the customer alone?
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Mam jechać do klienta sama?
Shall we organize this meeting together?
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Zorganizujemy to spotkanie razem?
Shall we go to Starbucks?
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Idziemy do Starbucksa?
Shall we have some coffee together?
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Napijemy sie razem kawy?
Shall I help you solve your problem?
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Pomóc ci rozwiązać twój problem?

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