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question réponse
jestem na wakacjach w
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i'm spending my holiday at the
zamierzam zatrzymac sie na 2 tyg
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i'm going to stay here for two weeks
jestem bardzo zajeta kazdego dnia
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i'm very busy every day
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weather is great- lots of sunshine and no rain
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how abou a barbecue? i'll ring you when i get back.
wartosc sentymentalna
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it is of great sentimental value
jeśli znalazles...
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if found, please contact, daria on 000
mam przyjemnosc zaprosic na
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we're pleased announce a
jesli jestes zainteresowany skontaktuj sie z
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if you intrested, contact: jola 0000
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the prizes include
przyjdz i baw sie db
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come and have fun
pisze by zaprosic cie na
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i'm writing to invite you to
czas/ miejsce
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the party will start at 8pm on saturday 23 august
potwierdzenie przybycia
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could you confirm the arrival?
gdybym był tobą przyszedłbym
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if i were you i'd come to party
do zobaczenia na miejscu
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see you there
krótka wiadomość do ciebie
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a quick note to tell you that
telefon przestal dzialac
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my mobile has stopped worked
czas powrotu
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i'll be back around midnight
spotkajmy sie
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let's meet
zrób zakupy
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I do not have time to purchase, could buy milk and vegetables?
wstęp do listy pryw
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how are you? i hope you're fine. i'm sorry that i haven't writen for so long but i didn't have time. i've got a lot to tell you
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i'm writing to ask for you help
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i'm really sorry, that
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i'm writing to thank you for
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i would like to invite you to
pisze by wyrazic swoja opinie na temat pogladow zawartych w
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i am writing to express my opinion on the views presened in the article
pisze w zwiazku z
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i am writing in connection with
bylam zszokowana
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i must say shocked when i read the aticle
co wiecej
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what is more
opublikowanie w gazecie
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please publish my letter in the next newspaper
czekam na odp
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i look forward to your answer
pisze z zapytaniem
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i am writing to ask about
szczegolowe info
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could you please send me further details about...?
pisze by zlozyc zazalenie
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i am writing to complain about
kupilam przedmiot-gdzie, kiedy
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i bought this... last week in your shop in...
nagle przestal dzialac
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it suddenly stoped working
moje nezadowolenie
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i want to express my strong dissatisfaction with
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in this situation i am afraid i must ask for full refund
commencer à apprendre
i hope you will replace my...
wstep do podania o prace
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i am writing to response to(in times) on (25 july)
chcialabym ubiegac...
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i would like to apply for the position of
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i have always been interested in
ukonczone szkoly
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i graduated fron 4 high shool in the plock
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i hold a certificate in english and german
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i worked for restaurant as waitress
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i would be happy to attend an interview an any time convenient to you
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i would be grateful if you could tell me what my duties will include
dolaczam cv i referencje
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i enclose a copy of my cv and reference

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