Masterclass proficiency unit 1 page 22-23

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bring up
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to start to talk about a particular subject. to care for a child until it is an adult
She wished she’d never ~~~the subject of money
come to terms with
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to accept an unpleasant or sad situation and no longer feel upset or angry about it
It was hard to ~~~ Marie’s death.
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a soldier or a group of soldiers that enters a country or town by force in order to take control of it
~~~ ransacked the town.
public holiday [= national / bank holiday]
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a special day when people do not go to work and shops do not open; a day when almost everyone in a particular country does not have to go to work or school
Labor Day is a ~~~ in the US
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a marked out area of ground on which a sport is played [= field]. how high or low a note or other sound is.
He ran the length of the ~~~ and scored.
join in
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to become involved in an activity with other people; to take part in sth that a group of people are doing or that someone else does
The other children wouldn’t let Sam ~~~.
on horseback
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riding a horse
police on ~~~
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someone who is very interested in a particular activity or subject = fancier
~~~ are willing to pay up to $12,000 for an original copy of the book.
take heart
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odzyskać nadzieję
We ~~~ when we saw the sign, knowing that we were close to home
lose heart
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stracić nadzieję
I’ve failed my driving test so many times I’m beginning to ~~~.
date from [= date back to]
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to write or print the date on sth
The cathedral ~~~ the 13th century./ Make sure you sign and ~~~ it at the bottom.
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very tired and without any energy
felt completely ~~~ after they had all gone home./ You look completely ~~~ (= very tired) - why don't you go to bed?/
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one of the smaller hills below a group of high mountains
the ~~~ of the Rockies/ Himalayas/ Pyrenees
encircle encircled
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o surround someone or sth completely, forming a circle around it
The house is ~~~ by a high fence./
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an object that causes a feeling of great surprise and admiration:
We spent a week visiting the ~~~s of Ancient Greek civilization./ With all the ~~~s of modern technology, why has no one come up with a way to make aircraft quieter?
former the former
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happening or existing before, but not now [≠ present, = previous]; having a particular position in the past [= ex-; ≠ present]:
~~~ US president, Jimmy Carter. Of the two theories, the ~~~ seems more likely.
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(the wood of) a type of large tropical tree; a hard yellowish-brown wood that is used for making ships and good quality furniture
Because of the large ~~~ frame, Mama Tuyet occupied center stage on the altar./ It was about eight inches square and framed in black.
T’ai Chi
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a form of exercise involving slow movements of muscles, originally practised in China
aimed at
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wycelować, mający na celu
The gun was ~~~ at a his head./ a program ~~~ at creating more jobs.
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when you learn about yourself and your beliefs
Her own journey/voyage of ~~~ started as she was recovering from a severe illness.
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to change, or to make someone or something change
When she went back to her hometown, she found it had hardly ~~~ed./ They had to ~~~ their plans./ Her face hadn't ~~~ed much over the years.
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to describe something or someone in writing or speech, or to show them in a painting, picture etc
Shakespeare ~~~s him as a ruthless tyrant./ The god is ~~~ed as a bird with a human head.
look down on
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o think that you are better than someone else, for example because you are more successful, or of a higher social class than they are
I’m sick of Ken ~~ing ~~ ~~ me the whole time./ Mr Garcia ~~ ~~ ~~ anyone who hasn't had a college education
swathe (swathed beds)
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to wrap round or cover with cloth
He came out of the hospital ~~~ed in bandages.
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a feeling of being happy, excited, and full of energy.
She enjoyed the ~~~ of jet-skiing.
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to make someone less angry or stop them from attacking you by giving them what they want
This is seen as a move to ~~~ left-wingers in the party.
half board
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the price of a room in a hotel that includes breakfast and dinner; a hotel room combined with breakfast and either lunch or dinner
Expect to pay about Ł350 for a week's ~~~ in a three-star hotel
reap the benefits
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to get something, especially sth good, as a result of what you have done
But it was Margaret Thatcher who ~~~ed all the ~~~.
take up
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1. to become interested in a new activity and to spend time doing it. 2. to start a new job or have a new responsibility
I’ve just ~~~n ~~~ golf. The program ~~~s ~~ a lot of memory on the hard drive.
make it easier
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The software ~~~s ~~ ~~~ to download music. Having you here does make things a lot easier for me.
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sth that stops you paying attention to what you are doing
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to make it difficult for something to develop or succeed
The bad weather is ~~~ing rescue efforts
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a person or company that makes a particular type of goods car/film/shoe etc ~~
take part in
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to be involved in an activity, sport, event etc with other people
Ten runners ~~~ ~~ ~~ the race
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someone who has a lot of knowledge about yoga, and who often teaches it to other people
head for
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to go or travel towards a particular place, especially in a deliberate way
A boat ~~~ing ~~ the shore
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something that you do without thinking, as a reaction to a situation
Blinking is an automatic ~~~
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a type of alternative medicine in which areas of the feet are touched or rubbed in order to cure medical problems in other parts of the body
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having a good effect
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to represent, mean, or be a sign of something
Some tribes use special facial markings to ~~~ status.
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he importance of an event, action etc, especially because of the effects or influence it will have in the future
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deserving or able to be believed or trusted
The complaint would be more ~~~ if he could remember more specific details.
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to interrupt someone or become involved in their private affairs in an annoying and unwanted way; to go into a place or situation in which you are not wanted or not expected to be
I’m sorry to ~, but I need to talk to you.
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to be strong enough to remain unharmed by sth such as great heat, cold,
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straight up or vertical; standing or sitting straight up
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good or satisfactory [= decent]
She earns a ~ salary.
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a curved structure of bones in the middle of your foot; the raised curve on the bottom of your foot
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a support with three legs, used for a piece of equipment, camera etc
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hings that people wear on their feet, such as shoes or boots
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having an unusual shape or a shape which is not natural or normal
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to use your power, influence etc in order to make something happen
Environmental groups are ~~~ing pressure on the government to tighten pollution laws.
exert yourself
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to work very hard and use a lot of physical or mental energy; to make a mental or physical effort
I was too tired to ~~~ myself.
a modicum of sth
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a small amount of sth good such as truth or honesty or a good quality
There's not even a ~~~ of truth in her statement.

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