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to start doing sth / to do sth
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W zeszłym tygodniu zaczęłam uprawiać jogę. commencer à apprendre
Last week I started to do yoga. Last week I started doing yoga.
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to keep one's fingers crossed for sb
Będę trzymać za ciebie kciuki. commencer à apprendre
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
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I can't focus. I can't concentrate
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Nie widziałam cię całe wieki. commencer à apprendre
I haven't seen you FOR AGES.
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przestać działać, zanikać commencer à apprendre
The effects of the medicine were starting to wear off.
Co masz dzisiaj na sobie? commencer à apprendre
What are you wearing today?
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eventually, in the end, finally
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He didn't bother to answer the question. 'Do you want me to wait for you?' 'No, don't bother.'
zdenerwowany, zły, zaniepokojony commencer à apprendre
He doesn't seem too bothered about the things that are written about him in the papers.
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suddenly, out of the blue
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I've got a date with Andrea tomorrow night.
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Jean felt more comfortable in casual clothes.
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Thank you very much indeed.
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I don't know how he did it - he's an absolute marvel!
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in the right bottom corner
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Add a pinch of salt to taste.
czy ci się podoba, czy nie commencer à apprendre
This is what I think about it - like it or lump it.