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kapusta kiszona
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cabbage that has been cut into small pieces and preserved in salt
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go overboard
to do something too much, or to be too excited or eager about something:
I don't think there'll be more than six people eating, so I wouldn't go overboard with the food.
koryto (na pomyje), żłób (na paszę), rynna
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a long, narrow container without a lid that usually holds water or food for farm animals: trau
cows at the feeding trough. Investing small amounts regularly is a good way of smoothing out the peaks and troughs of the stock market.
praktyki, staż
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a period of time during which someone works for a company or organization in order to get experience of a particular type of work:
Jane has a summer internship at a local TV station.
łakomstwo, obżarstwo
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a situation in which people eat and drink more than they need to:
They treat Christmas as just another excuse for gluttony.
produkt sztandarowy, wizytówka, okręg flagowy
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the best or most important product, idea, building, etc. that an organization owns or produces: the ship within a group on which the most important officer sails
This machine is the flagship in our new range of computers. The company's flagship store is in New York.
ulec, poddawać się czemuś
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to lose the determination to oppose something; to accept defeat:
The town finally succumbed last week after being pounded with heavy artillery for more than two months. I'm afraid I succumbed to temptation and had a piece of cheesecake.
megalomański, megaloman
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someone who has an unnaturally strong wish for power and control, or thinks that they are much more important and powerful than they really are:
He has been accused of being a megalomaniac.
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before the noun, certain or likely, especially to succeed:
The film looks a surefire Oscar winner. Running into the street like that is a surefire way to get hurt.
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a person who teaches himself or herself, rather than being taught by a teacher.
Some of its adherents were middle-class, and others were working-class autodidacts. Some autodidacts spend a great deal of time reviewing the resources of libraries and educational websites.
okres międzywojenny. dwudziestolecie międzywojenne
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interwar period
wyczekujący, pełen wyczekiwana
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thinking that something pleasant or exciting is going to happen: used to refer to a woman who is pregnant or a man whose partner is pregnant
the children's expectant faces. expectant mother
majaczyć, widnieć
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to appear as a large, often frightening or unclear shape or object:
Dark storm clouds loomed on the horizon.
Jak Bóg da
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god willing
God willing, we will meet again fairly soon.
samotnia, odizolowane miejsce, (samotność)
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Autumn and winter are usually taken as symbols of depression, solitude and hardship.
chód, krok, uczyć kroki
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a particular way of walking
He walked with a slow stiff gait
oscylować, wahać się
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If you oscillate between feelings or opinions, you change repeatedly from one to the other: to move repeatedly from one position to another:
The needle on the dial oscillated between full and empty. My emotions oscillate between desperation and hope.
nakrycia głowy
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a business entity when all of the members are owners of the business
We live in a cooperative.
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stained glass
glass that has been coloured and cut into various shapes to form pictures or patterns, used especially in church windows:
This stained glass shows Jesus with a lamb. a stained glass window
kopać, eksploatować, minować
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to dig coal or another substance out of the ground: to place or hide mines in an area of land or sea:
They're mining for salt. They mine a lot of copper around these parts. The desert was heavily mined.
szata graficzna
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graphic layout
konfitura, przetwory domowej roboty, rezerwat przyrody, specjalność; domena, specjalność
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: fruit canned or made into jams or jellies or cooked whole or in large pieces in a syrup so as to keep its shape —often used in plural. something regarded as reserved for certain persons
My grandma has lots of jars of preserves in her cellar. You can see many endangered species of animals in this preserve. Owning sports cars is the preserve of the rich.
ochraniać, zabezpieczać; utrwalać, zachowywać (np. wygląd, niepodległość; kultywować, chronić (tradycję
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to keep safe from injury, harm, or destruction
We have to preserve our history and traditions. We want to preserve the character of our town. Our government wants to preserve national parks
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a bell tower especially one surmounting or attached to another structure
The belfry now itself is a near-Victorian image, full of gigantic wheels, towering brick walls and hippo-sized bells.
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the condition of being a country or a part of a large country that has its own government
The US-Mexican War of 1846–48 was sparked by a dispute over Texas statehood.
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w locie, przy okazji, na łapu-capu
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on the fly
Run the installation on the fly. When travelling by train, I read this book on the fly.
więzień, zatrzymany
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a person who has been officially ordered to stay in a prison or similar place, especially for political reasons
a political detainee. captive, inmate
pierwocina, førstegrøde
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the first result of someone's effort or work
These improvements in quality are the first fruits of our investment.
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a long, thin column that supports a statue, or a tall structure like a column on which something rests:
In the riot, the statues were toppled from their pedestals. A flower arrangement in a large basket stood on a pedestal in the corner of the room.
Dwór szlachecki
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manor house
a large old house in the country with land belonging to it, especially in Europe
absurdalny, bezsensowny
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pozbyć się czegoś/kogoś
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dispose of sth
to get rid of someone or something or deal with something so that the matter is finished:
How did they dispose of the body? It took only five minutes for the world champion to dispose of his opponent.
piętnować, stygmatyzować
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to treat someone or something unfairly by disapproving of him, her, or
People should not be stigmatized on the basis of race.
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a medicine that consists of a mixture of alcohol and a small amount of a drug
erudyta w wielu dziedzinach
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a person who knows a lot about many different subjects
tusza, padlina; kadłub (statku)
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the body of a dead animal, especially a large one that is soon to be cut up as meat or eaten by wild animals:
Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the rotting carcass of the deer. Move your great carcass (= your body) out of that chair! Carcasses of burned-out vehicles lined the roads near the scene of the worst fighting.
olbrzymi, gargantuiczny
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gargantuan, elephantine
a problem of gargantuan proportions a gargantuan appetite
a problem of gargantuan proportions a gargantuan appetite. She's so tiny she makes me feel elephantine.
nieskazitelny, nienaganne (zachowanie)
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perfect, with no problems or bad parts:
impeccable taste/manners/credentials. His English is impeccable. flawless. faultless
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guinea fowl
a large grey and white African bird, kept for its eggs and meat
spłacać długi, zamykając swój biznes. zlikwidować
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to cause a business to close, so that its assets can be sold to pay its debts. to do away with especially by killing
The company was forced into liquidation. was hired to liquidate a certain businessman
nęcić, kusić; powab
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to entice by charm or attraction
the allure of fame rare books that hold a special allure for collectors. I had been fool enough to allow myself to be so quickly allured by her charms...
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coquettish coquette
trying to attract attention by pretending to be sexually interested in someone, in a pleasant but not serious way:
She greeted him with a coquettish smile. She is a fresh-faced, coquettish, giggly girl. his coquetry
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the quality of being natural rather than planned in advance:
You should not work out the entire mock interview beforehand or you will lose the element of spontaneity. The script has a refreshing spontaneity and sparkle.
kwaskowy, cierpki; tarta(ciasto)
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(especially of fruit) tasting sour or acidic. a small pastry with a usually sweet filling and no top:
You might need some sugar on the rhubarb - it's a little tart.
płaszczka, łyżwa
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skate, ray
a large, flat sea fish that can be eaten as food
Being at the oceanarium, he took a lot of photos of rays.
uniwersalny, do uniwersalnego użytku
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a general-purpose product is used for many different things, rather than one particular thing:
a general-purpose PC. an all-purpose household cleaner
przycumować, wrzosowisko, maur
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to tie a boat so that it stays in the same place:
We moored further up the river. We moored the boat to a large tree root
cieciorka, ciecierzyca
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1. pikantny 2. gorący, kontrowersyjny
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This soup is very hot, could you give me something to drink? That's a very hot topic, you should write an article about it.
asekurować kogoś przy ćwiczeniach
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to secure someone during weightlifting
Can you spot me on the bench?
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I'm going to a wine tasting event with my running partner. I got a sample for tasting.
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a piece of equipment that you use on a gun to reduce the noise made when it fires
bezkres, bezmiar
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the quality of being extremely big immensity
the vastness of the universe
na przełomie
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at the turn of. on the cusp of
at the turn of XIII and XIV centuries.
rzemień, stringi
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leather band. a narrow piece of especially leather used to fasten something or as part of a whip. a piece of underwear or the bottom part of a bikini with a very narrow part at the back that does not cover the bottom
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I have cranberries in my garden.
panierować; dragować, pogłębiać (rzekę, kanał)
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to dredge
to coat by sprinkling (as with flour). to dig, gather, or pull out with or as if with a dredge
The fish is dredged with a cornmeal mixture and fried. dredge the chicken in flour. dredge up silt from the canal bottom. They have to dredge the canal regularly to keep it open.
wybijać godzinę, dźwięk dzwonu,
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(of bells) to make a clear ringing sound:
In the square the church bells chimed. a set of small bells, or objects that make ringing sounds: wind chimes
chód, krok
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a particular way of walking:
He walked with a slow stiff gait.
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any of various plants with small, green leaves, used especially in salads:
egg and cress sandwiches
zmora, nieszczęście, zguba
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a cause of continuous trouble or unhappiness: scourge
Keeping noise levels low is the bane of airport administration. That cat is the bane of my life!
zawężać się, kończyć spiczasto, zmniejszyć; stożek
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to become gradually narrower at one end, or to make something do this: to gradually become less in amount, or to make something do this:
The cave tapered to a narrow passageway. Taper your brows slightly at the end. The table was mounted on slender, tapering legs. It is important to taper medication to prevent narcotic withdrawal syndrome.
Sztuka użytkowa
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applied art
smakołyk, ciekawostka
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a small piece of interesting information, or a small dish of pleasant-tasting food:
Our guide gave us some interesting titbits about the history of the castle. This magazine is full of juicy titbits. Grandma always has a few titbits for the children if they're visiting at lunchtime.
skład (substancji, leku); wypracowanie w szkole, układ, ułożenie
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We believe that the total is not going to change, only the composition. Read the composition of the drug. Your son wrote an excellent composition, you should be proud!
zgubny (np. wpływ), szkodliwy (o oddziaływaniu
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harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way
deleterious influence. DELETERIOUS applies to what has an often unsuspected harmful effect. a diet found to have deleterious effects DETRIMENTAL implies obvious harmfulness to something specified. the detrimental effects of excessive drinking
podstępny, pozornie niewinny (np. wróg, choroba
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having a gradual and cumulative effect: SUBTLE. harmful but enticing
PERNICIOUS implies irreparable harm done through evil or insidious corrupting or undermining. the insidious pressures of modern life
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having the bright blue colour of the sky on a clear day:
The once azure skies of Athens have been ruined by atmospheric pollution. A gauzy azure scarf was twisted in her hair.
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lekki jak mgiełka, zwiewny, gaza
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made of a very thin, light cloth:
A gauzy yellow curtain hangs in the window. Her hat had a white gauzy veil that protected her face.
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a type of grain that was an important source of food in ancient times
Gluten is elastic protein that is found in wheat, rye, barley, and in other grains like spelt.
beczkowy, z beczki; w zanadrzu (potocznie)
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on tap
The beers on tap are few but there is enough choice. A couple of long shows are on tap this weekend.
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a thick, smooth, soft mixture made from meat, fish, or vegetables:
liver/salmon/vegetarian pâté
dekorować coś, udekorować coś, wystroić
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deck sth out
I have to deck my room for the party! Why did you deck your car? Are you going to a wedding? all decked out in our finest outfits for the wedding
parawan, parawan
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windbreak, screen
wind fence
pitny, nadający się do picia
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clean and safe to drink
potable water
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in or towards the back part of a boat
There are windows aft on each side. stern. We can't keep riding with our stern to the wind.
brawura, popisywanie się odwagą
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a show of courage, especially when unnecessary and dangerous, to make people admire you: unnecessary bravery
It was an act of bravado that made him ask his boss to resign.
ugniatać, masować
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to work and press into a mass with or as if with the hands. to manipulate or massage with a kneading motion
kneading dough. kneaded sore neck muscles
wywar, odwar
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a liquid made by boiling something such a plant in water
A decoction is also the name for the resulting liquid. In general, either a decoction or a tincture is used.
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tenement/ tenement building
Known as tenements, these narrow, low-rise apartment buildings–many of them concentrated in the city's Lower East Side neighborhood–were all too often cramped, poorly lit and lacked indoor plumbing and proper ventilation.
odstępstwo od zasad, odchylenie od normy
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the fact or an instance of deviating or being aberrant especially from a moral standard or normal state. something or someone regarded as atypical and therefore able to be ignored or discounted
The U.S. establishment treated this grassroots movement almost as an aberration, virtually ignoring it.
ostoja, podpora, a la essncja
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the most important part of something, providing support for everything else:
Cattle farming is the mainstay of the country's economy. The white blouse will be the mainstay of your wardrobe this summer.
dwutlenek węgla
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carbon dioxide
the gas formed when carbon is burned, or when people or animals breathe out
carbon dioxide emissions
objadać się, napychać się, obżerać się
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gorge oneself
glut oneself with
Stop gorging yourself on pizza. If you gorge yourself like that, you won't eat your dinner.
rasowy, czystej krwi; naturalny
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(a horse) with parents that are of the same breed and have good qualities
a thoroughbred racehorse. Despite his pedigreed background, Bill still tries to be one of the boys.
kras, krasowy
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karst lake
zniszczony, podupadły (o budynku)
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old and in poor condition
The hotel we stayed in was really dilapidated. a dilapidated old car/shed
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flagging, floppy
dropping. soft and not able to keep a firm shape or position:
a floppy hat a dog with big floppy ears He's got floppy blond hair that's always falling in his eyes.
garbowanie, Garbowac
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tanning, tan
to change animal skin into leather using special chemicals such as tannin:
Tanning animal hides is one of the dirtiest jobs. The old saddler used to prepare and tan the leather himself.
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rootstalk. a stem of some plants that grows horizontally along or under the ground and produces roots and leaves
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a device consisting of a weight on a stick or thread that moves from one side to the other, especially one that forms a part of some types of clocks:
The pendulum in the grandfather clock swung back and forth. As so often in education, the pendulum has swung back to the other extreme and testing is popular again
rezydencja, miejsce siedzące
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The concert hall can seat five hundred people. We spent the winter break at this seat.
opłakany stan, ruina (o zaniedbanych budynkach)
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the state of being unattended to or not cared for
the old house was in such disrepair that the roof had caved in
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It’s made of fibres of chitin, the same substance that makes up most of the mantis shrimp’s shell.
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I wish I had firm skin
rak (zwierzę żyjące w rzekach i strumieniach
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Since then I have had a special fondness for crayfish.
przeciwdziałanie, środek zaradczy
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Make sure we have countermeasures ready to go if need be."
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gas in the stomach and bowels
Eating beans can cause flatulence. Poor hungry family, to puncture those flatulent fish and find them more air than meat.
pałeczki do ryżu
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Every room’s look is unique, themed after regional specialties, like Pinot Noir or anise
arteria komunikacyjna, główna ulica
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a main road for public use or a passage through somewhere
On road signs, no thoroughfare means no entry or do not go in.
przechylenie, nachylenie; przychylenie się do czegoś
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to (cause to) move into a sloping position. a sloping position or a move in a particular direction, especially up or down
The front seats of the car tilt. Anna looked up at him with her head tilted to one side. She wore her hat at a tilt. He tilted his chair back and put his feet up on the desk.
brzuszek (pieszczotliwie)
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the stomach, or the lower front part of the body:
tummy ache. the tummy button(navel)
zasięgnąć informacji/języka
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make inquiries
I've been making inquiries about/into the cost of a round-the-world ticket. Inquiry into the matter is pointless - no one will tell you anything.
kleisty, lepki
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Short-grain rice turns into a soft, glutinous mass when cooked. The pulp comes out of a jet in the form of a glutinous fibre and is spun into what is called artificial silk or thread.
przewód pokarmowy
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alimentary tract
the parts of the body that food goes through as it is eaten and digested
I had an abscess in the lower part of my alimentary canal. There may be an obstruction in the alimentary tract.
ropień, wrzód
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a painful swollen area on or in the body that contains pus (= thick, yellow liquid):
She had an abscess on her gum.
określenie "demonicznego" zamętu, kret piekła
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a wild uproar (as because of anger or excitement in a crowd of people. the infernal regions: HELL(capitalized!)
Pandemonium erupted in the courtroom when the verdict was announced. It is obvious that pandemonium would exist at most uncontrolled airports if every pilot did not conscientiously follow the traffic pattern.
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rubber tree
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quick and probably not detailed:
a cursory glance/look a cursory examination
arteria komunikacyjna, główna ulica
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a main road for public use or a passage through somewhere
On road signs, no thoroughfare means no entry or do not go in.
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to remove salt from sea water
bałamutny, lubiący flirtować
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flirty. behaving as if you are sexually attracted to someone, especially not in a serious way
She's very flirtatious. a flirtatious relationship
dobrze ułożony (o kaflekach, planie)
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But that well-laid plan didn't quite work out the way it was supposed to.
izba przyjęć, szpitalny oddział ratunkowy (SOR),
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emergency room
The emergency room sent us your lab results.
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drugstore, beauty supply shop
a shop where you can buy medicines, make-up, and other things such as chocolate
Rossmann is my favourite drugstore.
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considering or presenting something in a simple way, especially a way that is too simple:
reductive explanations of the origin of life
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We need to overrun the main garrison from the west. It would be unfortunate if I had to leave a garrison here
wyłamywać się, wychodzić przed szereg
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step out of line
We're going to do that to your daughter, General, if you step out of line. When I stepped out of line he was the one who helped put me back on the right track.
słaby, chromy
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His handshake was limp.
operacja desantowo powietrzna
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amphibious operation
amphibious assault
wyporność, prężność i wzrost (finansów), pogoda ducha
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the quality of being able to float: the quality of being successful or able to make a profit. a happy, positive quality, especially in spite of problems:
We tested the boat for buoyancy. He swam with an inflatable buoyancy device. There is continued buoyancy in the property market. The buoyancy of the oil market is likely to encourage price growth. He was a man of remarkable buoyancy.
mnogość, wielość
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the state of being plural. to receive more votes in an election than any other person or party, but not more than the total number of votes that the other people or parties have received(have, win a plurality of votes)
unity in plurality. There was a marked plurality of opinions/views among the people attending the meeting. He won a 48 percent plurality of the vote rather than an outright majority.
nieślubne dziecko
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an illegitimate child
lekko uchylony
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The door was still hanging open and ajar behind her. The door to the back room was ajar and he had just seen it move slightly.
pralnia samoobsługowa
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zbawienny, pożyteczny(mimo powodowanych trudności (
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causing improvement of behaviour or character:
a salutary experience a salutary reminder of the dangers of mountain climbinga
Zatrzymywać się w, zawijać (o statku)
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call at
We called at Germany on the third day of the journey.
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very stupid
a moronic grin some really moronic suggestions
przyozdabiać (strój biżuterią), dobierać dodatki do ubrania, wyposażać
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to add an accessory or accessories to something:
She was wearing a little black dress, accessorized simply with a silver necklace.
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get flabby
Your mind can get flabby when you get to be my age.
wdzieczny, mający zrozumienie, doceniający
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Finally, in most cases parents were appreciative of my role. I think she'd really be appreciative if someone with some power were to take up her case.
wiotki, obwisły
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But the body, although no more massive than that of a human, was completely flaccid.
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boarding house
lodging house
przewyższać (siłą, rozumem), być lepszym (od innych)
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outcompete, tramp,
The results surpassed all our expectations. And George's mark would not be surpassed for almost 30 years.
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strong alcoholic drink:
He spent most of his money on liquor and drugs. Count a drink as 12 ounces of regular beer, 5 ounces of wine or one shot of liquor or spirits.
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consistent, coherent
continuing in the same way
To be a good teacher, you have to be consistent.
umowa najmu
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lease agreement
wir (wodny, powietrzny) wir (np. rozpaczy
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a mass of air or water that spins around very fast and pulls objects into its empty centre. a dangerous or bad situation in which you become more and more involved and from which you cannot escape:
I was sucked into a vortex of despair.
wygibasy, człowiek guma, grymas, skurcz
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the action of twisting or bending violently and unnaturally into a different shape or form, or the shape or form into which something is twisted or bent: a strange and unnatural way of thinking about or saying something, or the result of this:
facial/bodily contortions The app allows you to stretch pictures of your face into weird contortions. He called on the government to end its linguistic contortions and say clearly that the proposed pricing structure is a subsidy.
20 parę, kilka
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nabrzeże, keja
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a long structure, usually built of stone, where boats can be tied up to take on and off their goods
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a line of people, vehicles, horses, etc. following a particular route as part of a ceremony
dycha (banknot),
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ten pounds, or a note worth ten pounds
pełny, pulchny, tłusty (np. o twarzy)
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slightly fat
I was a pudgy child.
droga żwirowa, szutrowa
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gravel road
ofiara smiertelna
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a death caused by an accident or by violence, or someone who has died in either of these ways:
There are thousands of traffic fatalities (= deaths in traffic accidents) every year. The first fatalities of the war were civilians.
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run away. It will be hard for them to flee this time, sir.
zbiec, zbiegać, uciec, uciekać (np. z ojczyzny do innego kraju)
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He thinks she has defected with him in the service of love.
turystyka samochodowa, sport samochodowy
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relating to driving
motoring costs It was the first time he'd been convicted of a motoring offence.
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pork neck
w punk, celny, idealny
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on point
Your remark was on point, but a bit cheeky, don't you think?
sztuka mięsa, część mięsa
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A cut of meat was laying on the table. I was at the butcher's and bought a cut of beef.
pianka cukrowa
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a soft, sweet, pink or white food:
Why don't we toast some marshmallows over the fire?
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the organs inside an animal, such as the brain, the heart, and the liver, eaten as food
The malnourished working classes tended to purchase their offal and organ meats from nearby butcher shops.
flaki, flaczki (potrawa); bzdura i bajda
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the covering of the inside of the stomach of an animal, such as a cow or sheep, used for food: ideas, suggestions, or writing that are stupid, silly, or have little value:
stewed tripe. She said my last essay was complete tripe. People talk a lot of tripe about fashion.
handlarz win, właściciel winnicy
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the one's that works at the tavern.
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to supply land with water so that crops and plants will grow
irrigated land/fields
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a substance that gives something a particular colour when it is present in it or is added to it:
Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin, and eyes that is present in varying amounts in every human being. Pigment is mixed into oil, glue, egg, etc. to make different types of paint.
sieć handlowa, forretningskjede
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retail chain
A chain store or retail chain is a retail outlet in which several locations share a brand, central management and standardized business practices. They have come to dominate the retail and dining markets and many service categories
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dill pickle
a small type of cucumber (= a long, thin, green vegetable) that is often pickled (= preserved in vinegar
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business card
poglądowy, objaśniający, ilustracyjny
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helping to explain or prove something
illustrative of Falling house prices are illustrative of the crisis facing the construction industry.
składniki zacieru
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mash ingredients
zacier. to crush food, usually after cooking it, so that it forms a soft mass
cypel, przylądek
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a narrow area of high land that sticks out into the sea
golonka wieprzowa
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pork knuckle
My father always eats a pork leg in this restaurant.
grzanka (do zupy, sałatki)
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a small square piece of bread that is fried or toasted (= heated until it is dry and brown), added to soup or a salad just before you eat it
szemrać (jak woda poruszająca się wśród kamieni), szmer
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(of a stream) to make the low, continuous noise of water flowing over stones
They rested a while by a babbling brook.
sztuki piękne
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the fine arts
być ogarnięty (zmęczeniem)
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be overcome (by fatigue)
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(especially of activities) morally bad: evil
The company's CEO seems to have been involved in some nefarious practices/activities.
dusić, gotować na wolnym ogniu; rozwijać się (o problemie), stopniowo przybierać na sile
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Their anger has been simmering for weeks, so they can go on strike any time. Simmer uncovered for 10 minutes
kit, kitować okni
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a soft substance like clay that is used especially for holding glass in window frames or for filling small holes in wood
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(the title of) a woman who is married to a duke or who has the rank of duke:
the Duchess of Kent
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to become an acid or to make something become an acid
odgradzać coś
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fence something off
to separate an area with a fence in order to stop people or animals from entering it
The hill had been fenced off to prevent animals from grazing on it.
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the substance that is left at the bottom of a container of liquid, especially a container of wine or beer:
After several months, the wine is removed from the lees and placed into clean barrels. They can reuse the yeast from the lees of beer and cider.
o ile mnie pamięć nie myli
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if my memory serves me right
za pomocą siły skutecznie, w przekonujący sposób
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in a way that happens or is done against someone's wishes, especially with the use of physical force: in a way that has a strong effect:
They will all argue forcibly that poor people need more money. There is one thing that has struck me forcibly since I came to Ireland.
z muru pruskiego wykonany z muru pruskiego
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primal, primordial. ancient; existing at or from a very early time:
primaveal forest
używane jest do opisania dwóch osób, które nie są w związku małżeńskim (ze sobą lub z kimkolwiek innym) i odbywają stosunki seksualne
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the action of having sex with someone who you are not married to:
fornicate. Adultery is a graver sin than simple fornication. He had no thoughts of fornication in his head.
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a person whose hobby is trying to catch fish with a rod and line
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lubieżny, rozpustny
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(especially of men) showing a strong sexual interest in someone:
He gave her a lecherous look.
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A predatory animal kills and eats other animals: A predatory person or organization tries to get something that belongs to someone else:
The owl is a predatory bird that kills its prey with its claws. The company spent much effort in avoiding takeover bids from predatory competitors. predatory economy
pracownik kontraktowy
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indentured laborer
podlizywać się komuś; lizus
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suck up to somebody, suck-up
All this will look like standard suck-up stuff to some. I've never seen a bigger suck-up job in my life.
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quick uncontrolled movements of the eyes
Occasionally, rapid and abnormal eye movements termed as nystagmus may be seen. A nystagmus can be caused by a number of factors that do not involve alcohol, for example tiredness.
z blachy falistej, pożłobiony koleinami, pofałdowany
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He saw one of the men near the corrugated building glance at them and look away.
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wood that consists of several thin layers of wood stuck together:
a box made of plywood a cheap plywood door
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in passing
One of them he knew well, the other he'd only seen in passing.
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cold cut
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relating directly to the subject being considered: relevant
a pertinent question/remark Chapter One is pertinent to the post-war period.
goleń, golonka, podudzie
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a long, thin, straight part of particular objects, especially one that connects the end of a device or tool that you hold to the end of it that moves or does something: the leg of a person or animal, especially the part below the knee:
the shank of a screwdriver the shank of a key/nail. You can buy ready-to-use beef shanks from your supermarket. As he tottered across the stage I noticed how shrunken were his shanks, how feeble his voice.
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pruning shears
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Clusters of young men stand about with nothing to do.
piąć się o roślinie
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The vines ramped up along the walls of the house. The road from here ramped down, so we went faster.
próg zwalniający
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speed ramp
speed bump, hump
A ramp was installed on the road to prevent speeding. The building got a new ramp for the disabled last month.
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semi-finished product
semi -product
blokowisko, osiedle
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housing estate
an area containing a large number of houses or apartments built close together at the same time:
They live on/in a housing estate.
wtrącać coś ⚖️
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weigh in
to become involved in an argument or discussion in a forceful way
Several leading architects weighed in with criticisms regarding the design of the new museum.
jest głównym składnikiem maści i balsamów. Dzięki właściwościom rozszerzającym naczynia krwionośne jest stosowana jako preparat rozgrzewający i znieczulający
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a whitish substance with a strong smell, sometimes used in medicine
cierpki, kwaśny i gorzki, gorzkawo-kwaśny (smak), uszczypliwy, cierpki, ostry
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An astringent substance causes the skin or other tissue to tighten: Astringent remarks are clever but unkind or criticize someone:
an astringent cream. astringent criticism her astringent wit. The astringent taste of the herbs finishes the dish perfectly. Not everyone likes these astringent berries.
nieubłagany, nieprzejednany (o wrogu)
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used to describe (someone who has) strong opinions or feelings that are impossible to change:
an implacable enemy implacable hostility
mur pruski
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timber framing
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wpisz swoje zapytanie, kwerenda poniżej
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Submit your query below
a question, an inquiry
You may file a query to the office, and we will get back to you as soon as possible
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Yet the terms intricately cancel, and there are only four left.
obowiązki przywódcy
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the mantle of the leader
The mantle of the leader belongs to me.
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Cod roe was his favorite dish.
kanał; przewód; rura (np. na kable w ścianie) 🍼
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a tube or pipe that carries liquid or air, especially in and out of buildings or through the body:
A draft came in through the ventilation ducts. The milk ducts in the breast can sometimes become blocked.

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