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accept credit cards - przyjmować karty płatnicze commencer à apprendre
accept credit cards - accept credit cards
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box of matches - pudełko zapałek commencer à apprendre
box of matches - a box of matches
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buy online - kupować przez internet commencer à apprendre
buy online - buy over the Internet
cash - gotówka, pieniądze commencer à apprendre
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check sth out - sprawdzać coś commencer à apprendre
check sth out - check something
checkout - kasa w supermarkecie commencer à apprendre
checkout - checkout at the supermarket
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clothes shop - sklep odzieżowy commencer à apprendre
clothes shop - clothing store
commercial - reklama radiowa lub telewizyjna commencer à apprendre
commercial - commercial radio or television
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complaint - reklamacja, zażalenie commencer à apprendre
complaint - the complaint, the complaint
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customer / client - the client
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department store - dom towarowy commencer à apprendre
department store - department store
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discount - discount, discount
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DIY shop - sklep z rzeczami do majsterkowania commencer à apprendre
DIY shop - shop with things DIY
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fitting room - przymierzalnia commencer à apprendre
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get something fixed - oddać coś do naprawy commencer à apprendre
get something fixed - give something to repair
go on a shopping spree - wpaść w szał zakupów commencer à apprendre
go on a shopping spree - go berserk shopping
good/bad deal - korzystna/niekorzystna umowa commencer à apprendre
good / bad deal - favorable / unfavorable contract
greengrocer's - warzywniak commencer à apprendre
greengrocer's - greengrocer
grocery store - sklep spożywczy commencer à apprendre
I take your point. - Rozumiem twój punkt widzenia. commencer à apprendre
I take your point. - I understand your point of view.
ice cream parlour - lodziarnia commencer à apprendre
ice cream parlor - an ice cream parlor
I'd appreciate - Byłbym wdzięczny commencer à apprendre
I'd appreciate - I would be grateful
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interest - the percentage of
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make profit - wypracować zysk commencer à apprendre
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market - the market, market
music store - sklep muzyczny commencer à apprendre
music store - Music Store
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online shopping - zakupy przez internet commencer à apprendre
Online shopping - online shopping
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package / parcel - package
package tour/trip - wycieczka zorganizowana commencer à apprendre
package tour / trip - a trip organized
pet shop - sklep zoologiczny commencer à apprendre
photographer's - zakład fotograficzny commencer à apprendre
Photographer's - a photographer
pocket money - kieszonkowe commencer à apprendre
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realize - zdać sobie z czegoś sprawę commencer à apprendre
realize - to pass realized something
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repay - zwrócić pieniądze commencer à apprendre
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run out of - skończyć się, nie mieć commencer à apprendre
run out of - you end up, do not have
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service - obsługa, serwis commencer à apprendre
service - service, service
shoe shop - sklep obuwniczy commencer à apprendre
do the shopping - robić zakupy commencer à apprendre
to the shopping - shopping
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shopping list - lista zakupów commencer à apprendre
shopping lists - shopping list
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sort something out - rozwiązać (problem), załatwić commencer à apprendre
sort something out - to solve (the problem), do
spend - wydawać (pieniądze) commencer à apprendre
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stationery - papeteria, artykuły papiernicze commencer à apprendre
stationery - stationery, stationery
stationery shop - sklep papierniczy commencer à apprendre
stationery shop - stationery shop
thanks a million - /bardzo dziękuję commencer à apprendre
thanks a million - / thank you very much
top - góra(ubrania), szczyt commencer à apprendre
top - top (clothes), the peak
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webcam - kamera internetowa commencer à apprendre
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world atlas - atlas świata commencer à apprendre
world atlas - atlas of the world
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