luke's podcast Easter

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Actually, this is only the second podcast I have ever done.
oczywiście (początek zdania)
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Now we use “obviously” to say something that is obvious. Obviously my team was the best team in the competition
o dziwo, co dziwne (początek zdania)
now that’s used to say something that is strange
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strangely enough
Strangely enough, I don’t really like fish and chips, even though I’m English
szczerze mówiąc (początek zdania)
now this is something you would say that’s rather honest
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frankly speaking
Frankly speaking, it was the worst film I’ve seen in a long long time
zdumiewające (początek zdania)
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amazingly enough
Amazingly enough, I’ve never been to Harrods”. Now that’s amazing because I live in London and I’ve never been to Harrods, right? So “amazingly enough I’ve never been to Harrods
mam nadzieję (początek zdania)
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