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to move home / to move house
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You have A wardrobe IN the background.
rzeczowniki w liczbie pojedyńczej commencer à apprendre
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your glasses are in the drawer
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(of a person) not knowing how to read or write commencer à apprendre
A large percentage of the rural population was illiterate.
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He lives in the mountains.
Urodziłem się w latach 80s. commencer à apprendre
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On nie miał tak dużo pytań jak wy. commencer à apprendre
He didn't have AS many questions AS you.
On zarabiać tak dużo jak mój brat. commencer à apprendre
He earns AS MUCH AS my brother.
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I'm a bit under the weather.
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the death penalty / capital punishment The two men are facing the death penalty.
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to pitch a tent / to put up a tent
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