Litery M-P

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istotny, znaczący (very large or similar in comparison to other things)
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nienależyte wykonywanie zawodu (an act of failing to fulfil a profession duty)
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obowiązkowy (sth that must be done because is stipulated in law)
mareva injunction
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zakaz sądowy zapobiegający przenoszenie aktywów poza granice kraju (UK: freezing order) (an order from a court preventing taking the company's assets out of the country)
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marża (difference between the price a business buys something for and what the sell it for)
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znaczny (important, crucial)
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mediować (to attempt to make the two sides in an argument reach a settlement)
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towar, artykuł (goods made in order to be sold)
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łączenie (spółek) (to joint two companies in one)
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protokół (official written record of what took place at a meeting)
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błędnie interpretować (not to understand the meaning of sth, i.e. law, stipulation)
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błędna nazwa (wrong or unsuitable name)
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wprowadzenie w błąd (a statement that gives a wrong of false impression of sth, made intentionally to persuade sb to enter into a contract)
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wniosek (a proposal which is taken under discusion and voting)
in nature
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w naturze
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zaniedbać, zaniedbanie, pominąć, pominięcie (to forget or omit to do sth which must be done)
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zaniedbanie, lekceważenie, niedbalstwo (a tort, to breach a duty of care which result in a damage to another)
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negocjowalny (used to describe an offer, price, contract which can be changed after a discussion if parties agree to it)
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netto (the total amount remaining after all financial deductions have been made)
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neutralny (not supporting one side in a discussion or dispute)
next of kin
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najbliższy członek rodziny (a person's closest relatives)
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nominalny (very small in amount)
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kandydat, powiernik (sth who is named to deal with sth or to own sth on behalf of another person)
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wypowiedzenie (the official information to sb, such as that a contract is about to terminate)
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niemniej jednak, mimo wszystko (in spite of or despite of)
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a la nowacja, zazwyczaj zmiana 1 ze stron umowy (an agreement that supersedes an existing contrat with a new one, usually with a third party)
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immisje (a tort, sth which causes an inconvenience or an interference with sb)
null and void
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nieważny (not enforceable, invalid)
under oath
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pod przysięgą (solemn, formal, legal promise to say or write truth)
obiter dictum
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część wyroku, która nie tworzy precedensu, w przeciwieństwie do ratio decidendi (a part of a ruling that does not form part of a precedent)
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obowiązkowy (sth that must be done according to law)
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przestrzały, staroświecki (old and not longer used or useful because was replaced by sth better, newer)
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pominięcie, zaniedbanie (a failure to do sth)
onus probandi
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ciężar dowodu (latin)
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na czas nieokreślony (not determined or without fixed limits)
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opcja (an offer giving sb a righ to do sth)
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pozorny, rzekomy (seeming to be the reason for sth but is actually hiding the real reason/purpose)
out-of-court settlement
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pozasądowa ugoda (agreement to settle before a matter comes to trial)
out of pocket expenses
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wydatki bieżące, drobne, uiszczone z własnej kieszeni, a później ew. zwrócone (small amount of money paid out of one's personal money, usually for a company or business)
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outsourceować (to contrat one or a couple parts of a company's business to an outside service provider)
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pozostająca do zapłaty (sth which is overdue, not yet paid)
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parytet (the state of being equal i.e. equal pay or other rights)
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partnertstwo, spółka partnerska (a business i which at least 2 persons share profits and risks)
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strona (an individual or a company involved in a legal situation)
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zatwierdzić, podjąć, uchwalić, np. a resolution (to approve of sth by obtaining the majority of vote in fovour of it)
pass off
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sprzedaż podróbek, sprzedawanie podróbek (to sell fake products, which illegaly uses the original trademark and design to gain more profits)
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patent (an exclusive right granted to an inventor to control the use of an invention)
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pieniężny, monetarny (monetary; to describe that which refers to money, similar to financial)
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krzywoprzysięstwo (the criminal offence of not telling the truth when making a statement under oath)
pertain to
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odnosić się do, dotyczyć czegoś (to refer to sth)
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wniosek, petycja, prośba, podanie (a written application to the court asking for sth)
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mały, nieznaczący (Small or unimportant)
petty cash
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drobna gotówka
portfolio of shares
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portfel akcji, tj. wszystkie udziały należące do danej osoby (all the shares owned by a particular person or a company)
power of attorney
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pełnomocnictwo (the authority given to a person to allow him/her to act on behalf of another person)
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warunek (condition in agreement)

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