Life 2

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przegrana sprawa
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a lost cause
dzwoni dzwon
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a bell is tolling
zalatwic sprawe
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to run/do an errand
miec pare rzeczy do zrobienia
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to have some errands to do/run
gardzic pieniedzmi
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to despise money
z tego co wiem, to nie / nie przypominam sobie
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not that I recall
wznosic sie, szybowac
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to soar
przestac jesc beans
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to lay off the beans
suszona sliwka
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a prune
zaciagnac sie czyims papierosem
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to draw on sb's cigarette
oddalac sie od siebie
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to draw apart
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to germinate
zmienic 2 na 3 (biegi)
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to shift from 2nd into 3rd
wiercic sie
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to fidget/ to shift in one's sit
ustawiac nisko poprzeczke
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to set the bar low
aklimatyzowac sie
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to acclimatize
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psuc sie, pruc sie
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to unravel
wariat, szaleniec
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a lunatic
byc zasypanym czyms (be swamped with sth)
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to be inundated with/by
stymulowac; wychowywac (encourage)
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to foster
to sie nie dodaje, to nie ma sensu
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it doesn't add up
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an ivy
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posrednio; za kogos. w czyims imieniu
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utrzymywac swoje dzieci
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to provide for your children
klasc sie spac
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to turn in
wspaniale, doskonale
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odlotowy, bombowy
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chytry, przebiegły
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zmienny, kaprysny
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krytykowac kogos, ponizac
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to put sb down
dodac czemus pikanterii
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to spice sth up
kapitalny, fantastyczny
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osz, kurcze
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oh, blimey
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a twinge
zaczac dzialac (narkotyki)
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to kick in
po prawej
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on the right
glupi jestes (teraz, nie ogolnie)
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you're being stupid
oswojony, ujarzmiony
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