Lekcja 3

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kończyć, ukończyć
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finish, complete
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zawieszać, wstrzymywać
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suspend, pause
The semifinal was suspended because of bad weather. She was suspended from school for fighting.
zawieszenie, wstrzymanie
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suspension, suspension
zwlekać, ociągać się
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procrastinate, procrastinate
I know I've got to deal with the problem at some point - I'm just procrastinating.
opóźniony, opóźniać
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delayed, delayed, delay
Can you delay your departure until next week?
wynik, rezultat
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result, the result, outcome
Unemployment has risen as a direct result of new economic policies. Most accidents are the result of human error.
wpływowy, wpływ
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influential, influnce, impact
B2 the power to affect how someone thinks or behaves, or how something develops wpływ The drug companies have a lot of influence on doctors. Latino singers have had a major impact on pop music this year.
osiągnięcie, sukces
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achievement, accomplishment, success
This film is his greatest achievement to date.
naruszać zasady, łamać, gwałcić
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violate the rules, break, rape
Countries that violate international law will be dealt with severely. They were accused of violating human rights.
zrzęda, malkontent
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grumpy, malcontent
przekonywać, namawiać
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convince, persuade
He tried to convince me that I needed a new car. She convinced the jury of her innocence. We managed to persuade him to come with us. [+ (that)] I persuaded her that it was the right thing to do.
myśleć poza schematami
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think outside the box
nieszczęśliwy, nędzny, marny
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unhappy, miserable, miserable, miserable
I just woke up feeling miserable. Some families are living in miserable conditions.
zażenowany, zawstydzony
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embarrassed, ashamed
He blushed with embarrassment. Her behaviour has caused great embarrassment to her family.
zawstydzić, szkoda, wstyd
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shame, shame, shame
It's a real shame to waste all this food. [+ (that)] What a shame that they had to destroy such a beautiful building.
susza, suchy, suszyć
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drought, dry, dry
My lips feel really dry. A severe drought ruined the crops.
rozprzestrzeniać się, rozpowszechniać się (np. plotka)
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spread, spread (eg. a rumor)
życzyć sobie czegoś
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wish for something
uzbrojonych złodziei, uzbrojony bandyta
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armed thieves, gunman
zablokować, zamek, odblokować
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lock, lock, unlock
She locked herself in her bedroom. Most of my jewellery is locked away in a safe.
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żałoba, poczucie straty
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mourning, feeling of loss
She's in mourning for her husband.
nietypowy, nieprawidłowy, nienormalne
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abnormal, abnormal, abnormal
They found abnormal levels of lead in the water.
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She has a totally unrealistic view of life. [+ to do sth] It's unrealistic to expect their decision before Tuesday.
dziecinny, infantylny
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childish, infantile
Don't be so infantile. Don't be so childish!
żałuje że, żałować, żałuje
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regrets that, regret, regret
I really regret leaving school so young. [+ (that)] He began to regret that he hadn't paid more attention in class.
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zachowaj spokój
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Stay calm, keep calm
Try to stay calm - the doctor will be here soon.
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We went to a lecture on Italian art. Do you know who's giving the lecture this afternoon?
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krawiectwo, zakład krawiecki
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tailoring, sewing
dławić się, zachłysnąć, zakrztusić
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choke, choke, choke
trujący, toksyczny
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poisonous, toxic
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to attract
The castle attracts more than 300,000 visitors a year. We need to attract more science graduates to teaching.
oskarżenie, zarzut
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accusation, complaint
He made a number of accusations against his former colleagues.
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support, back
piec, kuchenka
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stove, microwave
I've left some soup on the stove for you.
przeszkoda, bariera, płotek
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obstacle, barrier, hurdle
His refusal to talk is the main obstacle to peace. Getting a work permit was the first hurdle to overcome.
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burzliwy, gwałtowny
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stormy, violent
ambitny, stanowiący wyzwanie
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ambitious, which is a challenge
This is our most ambitious project so far. An ambitious plan will need a lot of work and will be difficult to achieve.
wyjątkowy, nadzwyczajny, niezwykły
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unique, exceptional, unusual,
Visitors are only allowed in exceptional circumstances. It's a method of education that is unique to this school.
triumf, zwycięstwo, wygrana
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triumph, victory, win
niejasny, mylący
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unclear, confusing
The situation at the moment is unclear. [+ question word] It's unclear what actually happened that night.
głód, śmierć z głodu
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hunger, death from starvation
klęska głodu, głód
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Famine, hunger
zrekompensować, wynagrodzić,
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to make up for, compensate
I hope this money will make up for the inconvenience. Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries.
wielbiciel, wielbicielka
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admirer, admirer
praca, robocizna, trud, poród
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work, labor, labor, labor
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birth, labor
hazard, uprawiać hazard
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gambling, gamble
He gambled away all of our savings.
początkujący, zaawansowany, średniozaawansowany
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beginner, advanced, intermediate
The disease was at an advanced stage.
onieśmielający, onieśmielony
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intimidating, intimidated
I find speaking in front of a crowd very intimidating. Older people can feel very intimidated by computers.

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