Lekcja 29.11.2017

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ból, zakwasy
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bolacy, oboloaly, z zakwasami
aftere, before, when, if, until
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no will after: (talking about future)
comparatively good
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stosunkowo dobry
he is pretty by comparison to that guy
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on jest ładny w porównaniu do tego faceta
he is comparatively good with relation to his class.
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jest stosunkowo dobry w stosunku do swojej klasy.
to beat about the bush
Don't beat around the bush - get to the point!
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mowic naokolo czegos
hold up
I hope the repairs hold up until we can get to a garage.
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podtrzymywać, zatrzymywac, unosic, wytrzymac
Many remember sport at school as elitist, focusing only on those who were good at it.
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convenient to
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wygodnie zrobic cos (v)
acceptable to
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akceptowalne cos zrobic (v)
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wtedy / wówczas
object to
it was the music that everybody objected to
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sprzeciwiac się
take in
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przyjmowac, przyswajac, przygraniac
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We need to make sure that we exploit our resources as fully as possible.
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wykorzystać, wyzyskiwac, eksploatowac, korzystac
She was telling me about her exploits while travelling around Africa.
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wyczyn, czyn bohaterkis
afford to do sth
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sobie na cos pozwolic
suggest doing
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sugerowac robienie czegos
lay the table
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nakryć do stołu
to sack sb
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sack race
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wyścig worekwy

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