Language leader unit 1

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question réponse
skontaktować się z kimś
Usiłuję skontaktować się do pani Brown.
commencer à apprendre
to get in touch with somebody
I'm trying to get in touch with Mrs Brown.
wytropić coś, odnaleźć coś
commencer à apprendre
track down something, find something
wpaść na kogoś (spotkać kogoś niespodziewanie)
commencer à apprendre
bump into
stracić z kimś kontakt
commencer à apprendre
lose touch with someone
mieć najświeższe informacje o kimś
commencer à apprendre
keep track of
pozostawać w kontakcie z kimś
commencer à apprendre
stay in touch with someone
nadrobić stratę, dogonić
commencer à apprendre
catch up
meet by accident
commencer à apprendre
bump into
maintain a realationship with
commencer à apprendre
stay in touch with
follow what is happening
commencer à apprendre
catch up with
to find
commencer à apprendre
track down
have no contact with
commencer à apprendre
lose touch with
exchange the latest news
commencer à apprendre
keep track of
commencer à apprendre
get in touch with
Liczą się czyny, a nie słowa
commencer à apprendre
Actions speak louder than words.
what you do is more important than what you say
commencer à apprendre
Actions speak louder than words.
don't start talking until you have thought about what you want to say
commencer à apprendre
think before you speak
get a chance to say something
commencer à apprendre
get a word in edgeways
dojść do słowa
commencer à apprendre
get a word in edgeways
hear about a rumour passed from one person to another
commencer à apprendre
hear it on the grapevine
share similar ideas
commencer à apprendre
be on the same wavelenght
przejść od razu do rzeczy
commencer à apprendre
get straight to the point
talk about the most important thing immediately
commencer à apprendre
get straight to the point
talk briefly to someone
commencer à apprendre
have a quick word with someone
pogłoska, plotka
commencer à apprendre

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