Koko kartkowka English Adventure 2 części ciała

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a box
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a bed
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a table
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a chair
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a lamp
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a cupboard
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a carpet
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a bath
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living room
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a room
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a bedroom
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a bathroom
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a kitchen
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a ball
Gdzie jest piłka?
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Where's the ball?
Gdzie jest kuchnia?
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Where's the kitchen?
Gdzie jest lampa?
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Where's the lamp?
Gdzie jest pudełko?
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Where's the box?
Jest pod stołem.
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It's under the table.
Jest na łóżku.
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It's on the bed.
Jest w pudełku.
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It's in the box.
Jest w szafce.
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It's in the cupboard.
Jest pod łóżkiem.
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It's under the bed.
Jest na krześle.
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It's on the chair.
Gdzie jest łazienka?
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Where's the bathroom?
Harry jest pod łóżkiem.
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Harry's under the bed.
Samochód jest pod łóżkiem.
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The car's under the bed.
Samochód jest na dywanie.
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The car's on the carpet.
Harry jest w kąpieli.
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Harry's in the bath.
Lampa jest w sypialni.
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The lamp is in the bedroom.
Fotel jest w salonie.
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The chair is in the living room.
Stolik jest w kuchni.
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The table is in the kitchen.
Szafka jest na dywanie.
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The cupboard is on the carpet.
Lampa jest pod stołem.
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The lamp is under the table.
Pudełko jest w szafie.
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The box is in the cupboard.
Lampa jest na stole.
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The lamp is on the table.
Książka jest w szafce.
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The book is in the cupboard.
Piłka jest pod stołem.
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The ball is under the table.

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