klasa 5 SP - lekcja 9 (unit 1 i 2) zdania

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question réponse
Ile jajek jest w omlecie?
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How many eggs are in the omelette?
Ile wody pijeszc każdego dnia?
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How much water do you drink every day?
Ile książek czytasz w roku?
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How many books do you read in a year?
Ile nauczycieli jest w twojej szkole?
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How many teachers are there at your school?
Ile sera jest w tej pitcy?
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How much cheese is in that pizza?
Czy jest jedzenie w twoim tornistrze?
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Is there a food in your schoolbag?
Jak możesz to pić?
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How can you drink that?
Czy są tam jakieś komputery?
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Are there any computers?
Czy masz jakichś braci lub siosty?
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Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Na półce są rękawice.
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There are some gloves on the shelf.
Nie ma żadnego komputera w klasie.
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There isn't any computer in the classroom.
W naszym mieszkaniu nie ma schodów.
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There aren't any stairs in our flat.

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