Kasia 23rd March 2016 (30 min)

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kolega z Niemiec
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a German colleague
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poprawić / rozwinąć mój niemiecki
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to develop my German skills
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houses /ˈhaʊzɪz/
Zamknęli to (na dobre).
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They closed it DOWN.
Wielki Tydzień
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the Holy Week
Wielki Czwartek
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Maundy Thursday
Wielki Piątek
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Wielki Piątek Anglais
Good Friday
Jej dziecko przyjdzie na świat w marcu.
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Her baby is due in March.
Nigdy nie trzymałabym tego w tajemnicy.
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I would never keep it SECRET.
He tried to keep it secret from his family.
On nie miał odwagi, żeby...
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He did not have the courage to tell her. / He was not brave enough to tell her.
Nie chcę wchodzić w szczegóły.
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I don't want to go into detail.
Kiedy masz termin?
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When is your baby due?

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