Kasia 20th Jan 2015 (5)

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question réponse
pracować nad czymś
commencer à apprendre
to work ON sth
zalogować się
commencer à apprendre
to sign in
zarejestrować się na stronie internetowej
commencer à apprendre
to sign up
commencer à apprendre
earphones / headphones
sprawdź to w Wikipedii
commencer à apprendre
look it up on Wikipedia
nazwa użytkownika (np. na yahoo)
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
the net = the web
Mark never leaves his room. He just browses the net all day.
Website => world wide web
kliknąć na coś podwójnie
commencer à apprendre
to double click on something / to double click sth
If you want to open up a document in Windows, you need to double click it.
wrzucić coś na np. youtube
commencer à apprendre
to upload sth TO youtube
If you want to open up a document in Windows, you need to double click it.
kanał tv
commencer à apprendre
tv channel
buforować się
commencer à apprendre
to buffer
If you want to open up a document in Windows, you need to double click it.
commencer à apprendre
to run the risk of doing something
Anyone travelling without a passport runs the risk of being arrested.
rozważać coś
commencer à apprendre
to consider sth
Nie mogę tego znieść
commencer à apprendre
I can't stand it.
commencer à apprendre
proposal = offer
zasłużyłaś sobie na to
commencer à apprendre
you've earned it
commencer à apprendre
Before I think of a PASSWORD, I need to create a password for my account.

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