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This week I’m meeting my colleague.
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W tym tygodniu spotkam się z kolegą.
somebody comes
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ktoś przychodzi
I wasn’t at work.
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Nie byłem w pracy.
I was sure.
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Byłem pewien.
I go
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I go Anglais
I’m going
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I went
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I will go
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I will go Anglais
Will you go on a business trip?
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Czy pojedziesz w delegację?
I don’t have time.
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Nie mam czasu.
He doesn’t have time.
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On nie ma czasu.
I didn’t have time.
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Nie miałem czasu.
I won’t have time.
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Nie będę miał czasu.
I don’t think.
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Nie sądzę.
How was your journey?
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Jak podróż?
How was your flight?
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Jak lot?
Would you like something to drink?
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Chcesz coś do picia?
What are you doing at the moment?
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Co robisz w tym momencie?
I’m not working now.
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Nie pracuję teraz.
I’m having a meeting now.
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Mam teraz spotkanie.
Is your boss having a meeting now?
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Czy twój szef ma teraz spotkanie?
Are you dealing with that matter now?
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Czy zajmujesz się teraz tą sprawą?

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