Kamile 27th March 2017 #10

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Nic się nie stało.
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No worries. / No problem. / That's all right.
Czy miałaś udany weekend?
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Did you have a weekend?
Wróciłam w sobotę w nocy.
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I CAME / GOT back home on Saturday night.
Jestem z powrotem.
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I'm back.
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sweater / jumper
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zasady ubioru (np. obowiązujące w szkole)
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dress code /koud/
for example: uniforms or casual clothes
zwykłe ubranie
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casual clothes
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a suit
kurtka / marynarka
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włożyć ubranie
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to put on
zdjąć ubranie
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to take off
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clothes /klouTHz/
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logo /ˈləʊɡəʊ/
Będę mówić o...
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I'm going to speak (talk) about dress code / student exchange programmes.
Szukam kartki.
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I'm looking for a piece of paper.
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to look for sht / to search for sth
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to find
and now let me talk about advantages and disadvantages of + verb+ing.
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Let me describe uniforms in my school now.
Jest wiele zalet ..., na przykład...
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There're many advantages of VERB+ing, for example / for instance...
Jeśli chodzi o wady,...
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When it comes to disadvantages, (it's ...)
Z drugiej strony jest dużo wad...
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On the other hand, there are many disadvatnages of...
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I'd like to talk about ... / I would like to talk about...
Lubię lody.
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I like ice-cream.
Chciałabym studiować za granicą.
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I'd like to study abroad. / I would like to study abroad.
przedstawić się
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to introduce yourself
Czy możesz przedstawić się?
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Can you intoroduce yourself, please? (I'm Kamile; I'm student A))
Dziękuję za uwagę.
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Thank you for your attention.
i myślę, że to wszystko
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and I think that's all / and I guess that's all
Chciałabym wziąć udział w wymianie studenckiej.
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I'D like to participate in A student exchnage programme.
brać udział
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to participate IN sth / to take part IN sth
uczestnik / ten kto bierze w czymś udział
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podczas studiów
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DURING your studies
mieszkać z rodziną goszczącą
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to live with a host family
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zbiór zasad
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a set of rules
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Chciałabym studiować w Hiszpanii, bo tam jest zawsze ciepło, nawet w zimę.
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I'd like to study in Spain because it's always WARM there, even in winter.
Tam jest zawsze zimno.
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It's always COLD there.
Tam jest często deszczowo.
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It's often rainy there.
rozmazane zdjęcie
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a blurred picture
oszukiwać kogoś
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to cheat sb

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